Mental Health Act 1983 Statutory Forms
In England, forms must comply with the Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment) (England) Regulations 2008, as amended by Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 with effect from 1/12/20 (some forms were not changed by the 2020 regulations).
Description of icons:
- : Editable Word documents (also on
- : Printable pink PDFs, updated for MHLO.
- : Fillable pink PDFs, created for MHLO.
- : Fillable smart PDFs from the MHA Free Form Project (see release notes and user guide).
N.B. All forms have the new "electronic forms" wording where appropriate. The updated pink forms state "Form amended by SI 2020/1072 for use from 1 December 2020" (this wording does not affect the validity of the forms any more than the name/address of a company selling the forms would).
Admission forms
Hospital forms
Guardianship forms
Miscellaneous forms
Form M1: Part 6 - date of reception of a patient in England | |
Form M2: Section 25 - report barring discharge by nearest relative |
Treatment forms
CTO forms
2020 guidance
- Statutory forms guidance. DHSC, 'Electronic communication of statutory forms under the Mental Health Act' (27/11/20) — "An amendment to Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment) (England) Regulations 2008 allows many of the statutory forms under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) to be communicated electronically. This guidance explains: (1) the circumstances in which statutory forms and other documents can be sent electronically; (2) best practice for sending them electronically; (3) general principles around sending, signing and storing electronic forms." Updated version: DHSC, 'Electronic communication of statutory forms under the Mental Health Act' (updated 13/1/21)
- SLAM guidelines for disclosure, 22/10/10 - This Trust's policy is now (a) to provide copies of section papers on request as soon as reasonably practicable; (b) in connection with hearings, to provide access to records if the RC has not objected within 24 hours; and (c) in other circumstances, to provide access to records under the DPA, urgently if appropriate.
Old forms
The old-wording DH pink forms are archived here. These forms were in use from 3/11/08 to 30/11/20 inclusive (except CTO12). Either old or new forms could be used for non-electronic communication between 1/12/20 and 1/2/21.
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11 H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10 M1, M2 T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 CTO1, CTO2, CTO3, CTO4, CTO5, CTO6, CTO7, CTO8, CTO9, CTO10, CTO11, CTO12]
In Wales, forms must comply with the Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship, Community Treatment and Consent to Treatment) (Wales) Regulations 2008.
The Welsh Assembly Government have produced forms which are available on the NHS Wales website.
- Representation
- Civil sections and CTOs
- Criminal sections
- Aftercare
- Mental Health Tribunal
- Mandatory and discretionary references
- Nearest relative
- Legal Aid
- International law
What links here:
- Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment) (England) Regulations 2008
- Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship, Community Treatment and Consent to Treatment) (Wales) Regulations 2008
- Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
- DHSC, 'Electronic communication of statutory forms under the Mental Health Act' (27/11/20)
- DHSC, 'Electronic communication of statutory forms under the Mental Health Act' (updated 13/1/21)
- Form M1: Part 6 - date of reception of a patient in England
- Form M2: Section 25 - report barring discharge by nearest relative
- Form A1: Section 2 - application by nearest relative for admission for assessment
- Form A2: Section 2 - application by an approved mental health professional for admission for assessment
- Form A3: Section 2 - joint medical recommendation for admission for assessment
- Form A4: Section 2 - medical recommendation for admission for assessment
- Form A5: Section 3 - application by nearest relative for admission for treatment
- Form A6: Section 3 - application by an approved mental health professional for admission for treatment
- Form A7: Section 3 - joint medical recommendation for admission for treatment
- Form A8: Section 3 - medical recommendation for admission for treatment
- Form A9: Section 4 - emergency application by nearest relative for admission for assessment
- Form A10: Section 4 - emergency application by an approved mental health professional for admission for assessment
- Form A11: Section 4 - medical recommendation for emergency admission for assessment
- MHA Free Form Project, 'Release notes' (v3, 30/3/22)
- Form H1: Section 5(2) - report on hospital in-patient
- Form H2: Section 5(4) - record of hospital in-patient
- Form H3: Sections 2, 3 and 4 - record of detention in hospital
- Form H4: Section 19 - authority for transfer from one hospital to another under different managers
- Form H5: Section 20 - renewal of authority for detention
- Form H6: Section 21B - authority for detention after absence without leave for more than 28 days
- Form CTO1: Section 17A - community treatment order
- Form CTO2: Section 17B - variation of conditions of a community treatment order
- Form CTO3: Section 17E - community treatment order - notice of recall to hospital
- Form CTO4: Section 17E - community treatment order - record of patient's detention in hospital after recall
- Form CTO5: Section 17F(4) - revocation of community treatment order
- Form CTO6: Section 17F(2) - authority for transfer of recalled community patient to a hospital under different managers
- Form CTO7: Section 20A - community treatment order - report extending the community treatment period
- Form CTO8: Section 21B - authority for extension of community treatment period after absence without leave for more than 28 days
- Form CTO9: Part 6 - community patients transferred to England
- Form CTO10: Section 19A - authority for assignment of responsibility for community patient to hospital under different managers
- Form CTO11: Section 64C(4) - certificate of appropriateness of treatment to be given to community patient (Part 4A certificate)
- Form CTO12: Section 64C(4A) - certificate that community patient has capacity to consent (or if under 16 is competent to consent) to treatment and has done so (Part 4A consent certificate)
- Form G1: Section 7 - guardianship application by nearest relative
- Form G2: Section 7 - guardianship application by an approved mental health professional
- Form G3: Section 7 - joint medical recommendation for reception into guardianship
- Form G4: Section 7 - medical recommendation for reception into guardianship
- Form G5: Section 7 - record of acceptance of guardianship application
- Form G6: Section 19 - authority for transfer from hospital to guardianship
- Form G7: Section 19 - authority for transfer of a patient from the guardianship of one guardian to another
- Form G8: Section 19 - authority for transfer from guardianship to hospital
- Form G9: Section 20 - renewal of authority for guardianship
- Form G10: Section 21B - authority for guardianship after absence without leave for more than 28 days
- Form T1: Section 57 - certificate of consent to treatment and second opinion
- Form T2: Section 58(3)(a) - certificate of consent to treatment
- Form T3: Section 58(3)(b) - certificate of second opinion
- Form T4: Section 58A(3) - certificate of consent to treatment (patients at least 18 years old)
- Form T5: Section 58A(4) - certificate of consent to treatment and second opinion (patients under 18)
- Form T6: Section 58A(5) - certificate of second opinion (patients who are not capable of understanding the nature, purpose and likely effects of the treatment)
- MHA Free Form Project, 'Release notes' (v4, 5/5/22)
- Todo:2022
- Todo:458578