
Office of Fair Trading

The OFT published 'Mental capacity - OFT guidance for creditors' on 28/9/11.

See also

Consultations#Office of Fair Trading

External links

OFT website

OFT press release: OFT publishes mental capacity guidance (28/9/11)

OFT website: 'Mental capacity guidance for creditors' page

Office of Fair Trading, 'Mental capacity - OFT guidance for creditors' (September 2011, ref OFT1373). The guidance contains the following chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Mental capacity and its relevance to a borrowing/lending decision; (3) Indicators that borrowers have, or may have, mental capacity limitations; (4) Practices and procedures; (5) Regulatory compliance and enforcement. The annexes are: (A) Useful contacts; (B) Powers of Attorney and Deputyship; (C) Other relevent guidance and legislation.


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