Mental Health Lawyers Association
The MHLA is the professional association of Mental Health Lawyers in England and Wales. Around 80% of lawyers representing clients in applications before the Mental Health Tribunal are members. Their website contains useful resources, including lists of solicitors specialising in mental health and capacity law in England and Wales.
See also
Contact:Mental Health Lawyers Association
External links
- MHLA, 'Destroying Representation for the Mental Unwell for £3 million?' (9/8/11). This document is the Mental Health Lawyers Association's response to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill 2010-11
- Representation
- Civil sections and CTOs
- Criminal sections
- Aftercare
- Mental Health Tribunal
- Mandatory and discretionary references
- Nearest relative
- Legal Aid
- International law
- Changes made by MHA 2007
- Coronavirus
- Courts
- Forms
- General information pages
- Glossary pages
- Legislation overviews
- Mental capacity law
- Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council
- All Party Parliamentary Group on Legal Aid
- Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales
- Care Services Improvement Partnership
- Civil Contracts Consultative Group
- Commission for Social Care Inspection
- Community Care (company)
- Court of Protection User Group
- Crown Prosecution Service
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Essex Mental Health Independent Inquiry
- European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- Family Law Week
- Fixated Threat Assessment Centre
- General Medical Council
- website
- Health Professions Council
- Healthcare Commission
- Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
- House of Lords Select Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
- International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law
- Joint Committee on the Draft Mental Health Bill
- Judiciary
- Law Commission
- Legal Ombudsman
- Mental Health Act Commission
- Mental Health Lawyers Association
- National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health
- National Mental Health Development Unit
- National Policing Improvement Agency
- Office of Fair Trading
- Office of Public Sector Information
- Office of the Public Guardian
- Official Solicitor
- Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Sentencing Council
- Solicitors Regulation Authority
- Statute Law Database
- Tribunal Procedure Committee
- Venice Commission
- Care Quality Commission pages
- Charities
- Other jurisdictions
- Psychiatry
- Statistics
- The Law Society
- Things to sign up for
What links here:
- Mark Hedley, 'The "right" to take foolish decisions' (speech at MHLA conference, 22/11/13)
- Legal Aid Agency, 'Form CW 1&2 MH' (v19, August 2023)
- Mental Health Law Online:About
- Contact:Mental Health Lawyers Association
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