Conditionally-discharged hospital direction patients can be absolutely discharged by MHRT
From 1/10/07 the MHA 2007 amends s75 to state that patients subject to a hospital direction and limitation direction who have been conditionally discharged can then be absolutely discharged by the MHRT. (It would be more common for these patients to be sent to prison than conditionally discharged in the first place.)
Extract from Explanatory Notes
Section 41: Conditionally discharged patients subject to limitation directions
169. Section 41 makes an amendment to section 75(3) of the 1983 Act so that, on the application of a patient who has been conditionally discharged from hospital while subject to hospital and limitation directions, the MHRT may direct that the patient's limitation direction is to cease to have effect, in which case the patient's hospital direction will also cease to have effect, and the patient will be absolutely discharged. Hospital and limitation directions may be imposed by the Crown Court in accordance with section 45A of the 1983 Act where the court considers it appropriate to direct the prisoner's detention in hospital for medical treatment as well as passing a prison sentence. The amendment brings the position of patients subject to limitation directions into line with other restricted patients, in that section 75(3) will now apply to both.
Date in force | Commencement order | MHA 2007 section | MHA 1983 sections affected |
1/10/07 | Mental Health Act 2007 (Commencement No. 3) Order 2007 | 41 | s75 |
Mental Health Act 2007 Explanatory Notes - page 31
- Representation
- Civil sections and CTOs
- Criminal sections
- Aftercare
- Mental Health Tribunal
- Mandatory and discretionary references
- Nearest relative
- Legal Aid
- International law
- 16- or 17-year-old with capacity cannot be detained on basis of parental consent
- Abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct is only a consideration for learning disability (not personality disorder)
- Additional safeguards for ECT introduced in new s58A
- Appropriate treatment test replaces treatability test and applies to all patients under long-term detention
- Approved Mental Health Professional replaces Approved Social Worker
- Automatic reference scheme under s68 changed
- Bournewood gap bridged by Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards inserted into MCA 2005
- Civil partners are treated as if married when determining nearest relative
- Conditionally-discharged hospital direction patients can be absolutely discharged by MHRT
- Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004 applies to unrestricted criminal patients
- Fundamental principles set out in Act and included in Code of Practice
- Higher penalties for offences under Act
- Hospital direction patients can no longer apply to Tribunal during first six months
- Hospital directions under s45A apply to any mental disorder
- Legal status of Code of Practice set out in Act
- Limitation to the exceptions to the duty to instruct IMCA
- Mental disorder no longer split into separate classifications
- Minor drafting error in MCA 2005 corrected
- New cross-border arrangements for leave and transfer
- New definition of medical treatment
- New Independent Mental Health Advocate scheme
- New procedure for renewal of detention
- New regulations on conflicts of interest
- New requirements for age-appropriate accommodation for children
- NHS Foundation Trusts discharge power problem remedied
- Organisation of Mental Health Review Tribunal changed
- Patient can apply to displace nearest relative, who can now be displaced on grounds of unsuitability
- Patients can be transferred between places of safety under s135 and s136
- Procedure for making of instruments by Welsh Ministers set out
- Reference to Local Health Boards inserted into Act
- Responsible Clinician/Approved Clinician replaces Responsible Medical Officer
- Restriction orders can no longer be time-limited
- SOAD certificate becomes invalid when patient loses or gains capacity
- Some exclusions to definition of mental disorder have been removed
- Supervised Community Treatment replaces Supervised Discharge
- Transitional provisions until full implementation of MHA 2007
- Treatment while under SCT is covered by new Part 4A
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