

Abbreviations and jargon.

Word Definition
AC Approved Clinician
ACOs Activity Co-ordinators
ACT Assertive Community Treatment
ACUS After-care under supervision. Replaced by SCT
ADRT Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment
AEDS Adult Eating Disorders Inpatient Service
AMHP Approved Mental Health Professional. Replaces ASW (but not exclusively Social Workers)
AIMS Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale
AO Assertive Outreach
ASW Approved Social Worker. Now the AMHP
AUDIT Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
BAVQ Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire
BIAs Best Interest Assessors
BME Black and Minority Ethnic
BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
BPS British Psychological Society
BPSD Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
CATT Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team
CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CCBT Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy beatingtheblues.co.uk
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group
CD Communicable Disease
CDAT Community Drug and Alcohol Team
CHD Congenital Heart Disease
CLDT Community Learning Disability Team
CMHSD Centre for Mental Health Services Department
CMHT Community Mental Health Team
CMO Chief Medical Officer
COP (1) Code of Practice

(2) The Court of Protection, which is able to make decisions on both property and personal welfare issues

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
CPA Care Programme Approach
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPN Community Psychiatric Nurse
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPS Crown Prosecution Service
CRB Criminal Records Bureau
CQC Care Quality Commission.
CSCI Commission for Social Care Inspection. See CQC.
CSIP Care Services Improvement Partnership
CST Cognitive Stimulation Treatment
CTM Clinical Team Meeting
CTO Community Treatment Order
CTS The Community Treatment Service
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident i.e. stroke
CVD Cardiovascular Disease
DCFS Department of Child and Family Services
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DH Department of Health
DOLS/DoLS Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions
DRE Delivering Race Equality
DsPH Directors of Public Health
DSU Delivery & Support Unit
EA Environment Agency
EBP Evidence-Based Practice
ECA Extra Care Area
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights
ECtHR European Court of Human Rights
ECT Electro-Convulsive Therapy
EMI Elderly Mental Illness
EPA Enduring Power of Attorney
EPDS Edinburgh postnatal major depressive disorder scale
ESCs Essential Skills Clusters
EWCA England and Wales Court of Appeal, Criminal or Civil Division
EWHC England and Wales High Court
Forensic psychiatry relates to patients with a criminal (forensic) history
FME Forensic Medical Examiner
GDS (1) Geriatric Depression Scale

(2) Government Decontamination Service

GHQ General Health Questionnaire
GP General Practitioner
GSCC General Social Care Council
HCC Healthcare Commission. See CQC
HCR Historical/ Clinical/ Risk Management
HCW Health Commission Wales
HDU High Dependancy Unit(s)
HHC The Head of Healthcare
HIW Healthcare Inspectorate Wales. Replaces Mental Health Act Commission (MHAC) in Wales
HMCS Her Majesty’s Courts Service
HoNOS Health of the Nation Outcome Scale
HPA Health Protection Agency
HPC Health Professions Council
HRA Human Rights Act 1998
HSH High Security Hospital
HSSDG Health and Social Services Directorate General
IAG Welsh Assembly Government's Mental Health Implementation Advisory Group (IAG).
IGT The Information Governance Toolkit
IMC Iechyd Meddwl Cymru. Health Think Wales
IMCA Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
IMD Index of Multiple Deprivation
IMHA Independent Mental Health Advocate
IPP Imprisonment for Public Protection
IWL Improving Working Lives
LD Learning Disabilities
LHB Local Health Board
LIT Local Implementation Team
LOA Leave of absence
LPA Lasting Power of Attorney
LPHD Local Public Health Director
LSC Legal Services Commission
LSMSs Local Security Management Specialists
LSOA Lower Super Output Area
LSP Life Skills Profile
LSSA Local Social Services Authority
LSSCG Local Secure Services Commissioning Group
LSU Low Secure Unit
MAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
MAR Sheet Medication Administration Record sheet
MCA Mental Capacity Act 2005
MCH Mother and child health
MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team
MENDOS Mentally Disordered Offenders Service
MHA Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by Mental Health Act 2007
MHAA Mental Health Act Administrator
MHAC Mental Health Act Commission- SEE HIW (Wales) & CQC (England).
MHNSF Mental Health National Service Framework for mental health
MHRT Mental Health Review Tribunal. Now (1) in Wales, the MHRT for Wales; (2) in England, the "First-tier Tribunal (Health and Social Care Chamber) (Mental Health)", i.e. the Mental Health Tribunal.
MHT Mental Health Tribunal
MHU Mental Health Unit of the Ministry of Justice.
MI Myocardial Infarction i.e. heart attack
MOSAIC Mission and values; Objective and fair processes; Skilled workforce: aware and fair; Active flexibility; Individual focus;Culture that empowers’
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MSU Medium Secure Unit
MWWRO Mid & West Wales Regional Office
NAPICU National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care Units
NCG National Commissioning Group
NCSS National CAMHS Support Service. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
NDS Culture that empowers (?)
NDT Neuro-Developmental Treatment
NLIAH National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare
NMHDU National Mental Health Development Unit
NPS Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
NR Nearest relative (defined in MHA), c.f. NOK (chosen by patient)
NHSFT National Health Service Foundation Trust
NIC Nurse in Charge
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NIMHE National Institute for Mental Health in England
NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council
NOK Next of Kin (can be chosen by patient), c.f. NR (defined in MHA)
NPS Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
NPHS The National Public Health Service for Wales. Now : UPHO
NSCAG National Specialist Commissioning Advisory Group
NSF National Service Framework
OCMO Office of the Chief Medical Officer
OPG Office of the Public Guardian
OT Occupational Therapist
PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Acts 1984
PCL SV Psychopathy Checklist - screening version
PCL R Psychopathy Checklist - Revised
PCT Primary Care Trust
PD Practice Direction
PDP Personal Development Plan(s)
PHN The Public Health Nurse
PIAG The Patient Information Advisory Group
PICU(s) Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit(s)
POC Programme Of Care
POVA Protection of Vulnerable Adults
PRN Pro re nata. As needed (medication)
PRO Patient-Reported Outcome
PSD Physical Security Document
PSI Prison Service Instruction
PSID Procedural Security Index Document
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
RC Responsible Clinician
RCJ Royal Courts of Justice
RESPECT Respond to every challenge therapeutically
RFC Regional Forensic Commissioner
Reference Guide Reference Guide to MHA accompanies Code of Practice
RIA Regulatory Impact Assessment
RMN Registered Mental Nurse
RMO Responsible Medical Officer. Now the RC
RO(s) Regional Office(s)
ROS Rural Outreach Service
RSU Regional Secure Unit
SCCG Secondary Care Commissioning Group
SCG Specialised Commissioning Group; Secondary Caregiver; Substitute Care Giver
SCIE Social Care Institute for Excellence
SCT Supervised Community Treatment
SED Sentence Expiry Date
SFMHS Secure Forensic Mental Health Service
SHA Strategic Health Authority
SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
SLA Service Level Agreement
(NHS) SMS Security Management Service
SOA Super Output Area
SOAD Second Opinion Appointed Doctor. Sent by HIW or CQC
SSC Secure Services Commissioner
SSHA Secretary of State for Home Affairs (i.e. the Home Secretary)
SSHD Secretary of State for the Home Dept (i.e. the Home Secretary)
SSJ Secretary of State for Justice
SW Social Worker
TCEA Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007
UKCC United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting
UKHL UK House of Lords, e.g. The 56th judgment in the House of Lords in 2004 is [2004] UKHL 56B
UKSC UK Supreme Court
UKUT UK Upper Tribunal
UPHO Unified Public Health Organisation. The UPHO will be known as the Public Health Wales National Health Service Trust (Public Health Wales NHS Trust).
VBP Values-Based Practice
WAG Welsh Assembly Government
WCfH The Wales Centre for Health. Now: UPHO
YJB Youth Justice Board
YOT Youth Offending Team

The original text upon which this glossary is based was kindly provided by Peter Richmond, MHAA (look it up!) at Surehaven Ltd.


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