MHA - Section 117 aftercare - Key documents

When Dave Sheppard retired in 2020 he kindly gave me permission to publish the contents of his website (originally named after his firm, "Dave Sheppard Associates", then called "MHAandMCA"). It is a treasure trove. I've not had time to prepare everything for publication but have put the main headings online: let me know if you would like a copy of anything listed.

s.117, Mental Health Act 1983 (external link)

After-care, Reference guide (Chapter 29)

After-care, Code of Practice - England (Chapter 33)

After-care, Code of Practice - Wales (Chapter 33)

Ordinary residence, Department of Health, June 2017 (external link)

Ordinary residence: anonymised determinations 2017, Department of Health and Social Care, May 2018 (external link)

Who pays?, Brown Jacobson, May 2016

Updated NHS "Who Pays" s117 guidance, ADASS, 19th April 2016

Rethink fact sheet, March 2016

Mental health aftercare in England and Wales: resolving disputes over ordinary residence, April 2015

Who Pays? Determining responsibility for payments to providers, August 2013

Refocusing the Care Programme Approach, Department of Health, March 2008

DSA archive