Information for "Re SF (2020) EWCOP 15"

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Display titleRe SF [2020] EWCOP 15
Default sort keyRe SF (2020) EWCOP 15
Page length (in bytes)1,303
Page ID10849
Page content languageen - English
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Page imageEssex newsletter 103.pdf

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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation20:31, 18 July 2020
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit21:29, 6 June 2023
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(1) SF lacked capacity in relation to some areas (litigation, care, residence, finances, tenancy, contact with strangers and people who are unfamiliar) but did have capacity to consent to sexual relations and to decide on contact with her husband. The psychiatric evidence was that SF would only have episodic memory ("memory for the personally experienced events of a person’s life, with retention of the details of time and situation in which they were acquired") in relation to contact with strangers, but would have semantic memory ("knowledge which is retained irrespective of the circumstances in which it was acquired [deriving] from the 'feeling' around the memory rather than the 'facts' surrounding the memory") in relation to her husband. (2) The court authorised the deprivation of liberty which existed both when living at her home and (on an interim basis until authorised by the placement) when receiving respite care at a residential supported care provision.
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