Information for "Re SB (2024) EWHC 2964 (Fam)"

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Display titleRe SB [2024] EWHC 2964 (Fam)
Default sort keyRe SB (2024) EWHC 2964 (Fam)
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Page imageEssex newsletter 146.pdf

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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation14:59, 21 November 2024
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit22:03, 25 February 2025
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SB, a 15-year-old, was subject to an interim care order, and a deprivation of liberty order made under the High Court's inherent jurisdiction. The local authority argued that the court should declare that SB was within the scope of the MHA and that therefore the inherent jurisdiction could not be used. Its submissions were based on parity of argument with the Case E ineligibility provisions in the MCA, the interpretation given to them in GJ, and the approach taken by the court in JS. The High Court decided that the approach taken in JS did not apply to the inherent jurisdiction: to make a declaration about MHA detention would be to exercise an impermissible supervisory review function; if such a declaration were made as a means of influencing the professionals' decisions then it would be an abuse of process; in any event, the outcome might leave SB without protection from either regime.
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