Information for "Re QD (2019) EWCOP 56"

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Display titleRe QD [2019] EWCOP 56
Default sort keyRe QD (2019) EWCOP 56
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Page ID10841
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Page imageEssex newsletter 101.pdf

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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation14:10, 8 July 2020
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit11:54, 8 October 2021
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QD, who had dementia, was living in Spain with his second wife when adult children from his first marriage flew him to England by stealth. The children unsuccessfully argued that: (a) he was now habitually resident in England, so the MCA applied in the usual way; (b) removal was justified under the common law doctrine of necessity; (c) jurisdiction was established on grounds of urgency; (d) even if QD were habitually resident in Spain, orders could be made under the inherent jurisdiction. The judge therefore made a protective measures order under sch 3 MCA 2005 pending a determination by the national authorities in Spain on what should happen next.
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