Information for "Re D (2020) MHLO 51 (FTT)"

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Display titleRe D [2020] MHLO 51 (FTT)
Default sort keyRe D (2020) MHLO 51 (FTT)
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Page ID11122
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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation21:42, 20 October 2020
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit16:16, 24 August 2023
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(1) The decision in this case was set aside because it was not clear whether or not the patient had a reasonable opportunity to hear all the evidence that was given at the hearing: it was not possible to be sure that the patient had a fair hearing. (2) The patient's microphone had been muted for much of the time after giving her evidence at the outset because she "would not stop talking", but this did not amount to exclusion under Tribunal rule 38. [First-tier tribunal decisions are useful but not binding.]
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