Information for "R v Kitchener (2017) EWCA Crim 937"

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Display titleR v Kitchener [2017] EWCA Crim 937
Default sort keyR v Kitchener (2017) EWCA Crim 937
Page length (in bytes)1,640
Page ID8998
Page content languageen - English
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Number of redirects to this page1
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Edit history

Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation19:55, 8 July 2017
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit13:10, 2 May 2019
Total number of edits4
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
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Article description: (description)
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"On 22 November 2002 at the Crown Court at Cardiff before the Recorder of Cardiff His Honour Judge Griffith-Williams QC the applicant, then aged 20, pleaded guilty to attempted murder contrary to s.1(1) of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981. On 2 December 2002, he was sentenced by the same judge to custody for life with a minimum term of 4 years and 8 months less 4 months on remand in custody. His applications for an extension of time of about 14 years, for leave to appeal against sentence and to call fresh psychiatric evidence have been referred to the full Court by the single judge. The basis for the application for leave to appeal against sentence is that the applicant contends that he should have been sentenced to a hospital order and a restriction order under sections 37 and 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983 rather than to custody for life. The basis for the application for an extension of time is that the psychiatric report of Dr Sobia Khan dated 26 October 2015 was not available at the time of sentence. That report is said to satisfy the conditions for the admission of fresh evidence under section 23 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968. The admission of the report is said to be both necessary and expedient in the interests of justice."
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