Information for "PW v Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2018) EWCA Civ 1067"

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Display titlePW v Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2018] EWCA Civ 1067
Default sort keyPW v Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2018) EWCA Civ 1067
Page length (in bytes)1,750
Page ID9385
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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation20:40, 22 May 2018
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit22:47, 19 April 2019
Total number of edits7
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"Two central criticisms are made of the judgment below, and the judge's determination of best interests. First, that the judge failed to appreciate and therefore give any or any adequate weight to RW's wishes and feeling. These were, contrary to her findings, ascertainable; they pointed to the fact that he was a "fighter", to the value he ascribed to life and to his desire to "hold fast to it" no matter how "poor" or "vestigial" in nature it was. Secondly, the judge overstated the risk that having the NG tube in place would pose for RW at home and the burden this would place on him, in circumstances where the dedicated care his sons could provide would remove or mitigate that risk. In the result, and in any event, it is submitted the judge's overall analysis of what was in RW's best interests failed adequately to address the relevant issues and evidence, and was a flawed one. In my view neither criticism is well-founded." Another aspect of this case related to the transparency order/reporting restrictions.
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