Information for "Nottinghamshire County Council v LH (No 1) (2021) EWHC 2584 (Fam)"

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Display titleNottinghamshire County Council v LH (No 1) [2021] EWHC 2584 (Fam)
Default sort keyNottinghamshire County Council v LH (No 1) (2021) EWHC 2584 (Fam)
Page length (in bytes)1,343
Page ID13480
Page content languageen - English
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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation10:22, 5 October 2021
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit10:23, 5 October 2021
Total number of edits3
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The local authority asked the court to authorise LH's deprivation of liberty in an acute adolescent psychiatric unit because there was nowhere else available in the country. She had autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, and other difficulties but, despite being detained on the ward, was not detained under the MHA as hospital treatment was not considered appropriate. The clinicians did not want her to remain there: her presence was endangering not only herself (e.g. she had started to attempt ligature strangulation) but also the other children and staff. The judge concluded that "authorisation of the deprivation of LT’s liberty in a psychiatric unit which is harmful to her and contrary to her best interests would only serve to protect the local authority from acting unlawfully: it would not protect this highly vulnerable child".
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