Information for "Health Service Executive of Ireland v Moorgate (2020) EWCOP 12"

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Display titleHealth Service Executive of Ireland v Moorgate [2020] EWCOP 12
Default sort keyHealth Service Executive of Ireland v Moorgate (2020) EWCOP 12
Page length (in bytes)1,228
Page ID10839
Page content languageen - English
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Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageEssex newsletter 103.pdf

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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation14:28, 6 July 2020
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit20:20, 3 November 2024
Total number of edits5
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(1) The necessary criteria were met for the recognition and enforcement of protective measures contained in an order made by the Southern Irish High Court which authorised the patient's transfer from a London hospital to a specialist hospital in Leeds. (2) An appendix entitled "Domestic regimes applicable to SM and those in her position" contains the following headings: (a) Application of the MHA; (b) Hospital admission under the MHA; (c) Treatment under the MHA; (d) Representation and support; (e) Challenging detention; (f) Removal of alien patients; (g) Mental Capacity Act 2005 (excluding the provisions of Schedule 3); (h) Inherent jurisdiction of the High Court; (i) Comparison of protections under MHA and under Schedule 3.
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