Information for "David Hewitt, 'Illegitimate concern' (2013) 157(25) SJ 9"

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Display titleDavid Hewitt, 'Illegitimate concern' (2013) 157(25) SJ 9
Default sort keyDavid Hewitt, 'Illegitimate concern' (2013) 157(25) SJ 9
Page length (in bytes)1,165
Page ID7459
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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation10:46, 5 September 2013
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit22:59, 19 March 2023
Total number of edits10
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This article argues that the unmarried father of an adult patient is a relative for the purposes of s26, whether or not he had parental responsibility. This seems wrong as the wording of s26 means that for its purposes an unmarried father is not a relative of an adult patient because it is not possible to have parental responsibility for an adult. It may be in future that the the courts are asked to adjudicate on whether or not the situation is compatible with the ECHR, in particular in relation to an unmarried father who used to have parental responsibility.
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