Information for "Clitheroe v Bond (2021) EWHC 1102 (Ch)"

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Display titleClitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch)
Default sort keyClitheroe v Bond (2021) EWHC 1102 (Ch)
Page length (in bytes)1,197
Page ID13115
Page content languageen - English
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Page creatorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation21:14, 6 May 2021
Latest editorJonathan (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit08:50, 8 October 2021
Total number of edits3
Total number of distinct authors1
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(1) It was not in the interests of justice to allow the question whether testamentary capacity should be determined using the MCA test rather than the Banks v Goodfellow test to be raised on appeal (though the judge would have concluded that the Banks test continues to apply). (2) In relation to delusions (part of the Banks test): "In order to establish whether a delusion exists, the relevant false belief must be irrational and fixed in nature. It not an essential part of the test that it is demonstrated that it would have been impossible to reason the relevant individual out of the belief if the requisite fixed nature can be demonstrated in another way, for example by showing that the belief was formed and maintained in the face of clear evidence to the contrary of which the individual was aware and would not have forgotten."
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