Sunderland City Council v AS [2020] EWCOP 13
Capacity - DOL (1) The court decided that a CTO patient lacked capacity in all relevant areas (litigation, residence, care and contact). When giving oral evidence the jointly-instructed psychologist changed her mind on: litigation capacity (initially she thought AS had litigation capacity while not having subject matter capacity), residence (she placed insufficient weight on 'structure and routine', which is an integral part of the information relevant to a decision on residence in supported as opposed to independent living), and fluctuating capacity. The judge noted with approval the approach in NICE guidance on "Decision-making and mental capacity" to people with executive dysfunction. (2) The court authorised the deprivation of liberty (there was a high level of supervision throughout the day and night, in the accommodation and community).
This case has been summarised on page 16 of 39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 103, April 2020).Full judgment: BAILII
Date: 20/3/20π
Court: Court of Protectionπ
- Cobbπ
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What links here:Published: 7/7/20 16:47
Cached: 2025-03-27 04:13:02
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