Re J (Deprivation of Liberty: Hospital) [2022] EWHC 2687 (Fam)

Residence - reporting restrictions "J is a 13-year-old girl with complex needs who was made the subject of an interim care order on 20 July 2022 in favour of the Applicant Council/Manchester City Council. The Council has a statutory duty to place J in a placement but for about three months now it has not been able to find any accommodation for her and so she has been living in a hospital. J does not want to live in a hospital. She has no physical or mental health requirement for in-patient treatment and the environment of a hospital is not at all suitable for her needs but the Council has not been able to find any alternative place for her to live. A team of agency care staff funded by the Local Authority attend the hospital to look after her. J's presence in the hospital and the attention she requires cause disruption and adversely affect the ability of hospital staff to care for their patients. Resources that should be used to treat someone who requires in-patient care are being used to house a child who does not require in-patient care. All parties in this case agree that J needs to be placed somewhere else but such is the state of provision for children with complex needs in England and Wales that there has been nowhere else for J to go."


Also: Manchester City Council v K

The same judgment also appears on BAILII with the citation (2022) EWFC 121B

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Full judgment: BAILII


Date: 12/10/22🔍

Court: High Court (Family Division)🔍



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Published: 26/10/22 20:51

Cached: 2024-10-20 16:55:54