
May 2022 chronology

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See May 2022 update for a thematic summary of these changes.

  • 30/05/22
    : MAPPA guidance. HMPPS, 'MAPPA Guidance' (24/11/21) —"Multi-agency public protection arrangements are in place to ensure the successful management of violent and sexual offenders. This guidance sets out the responsibilities of the police, probation trusts and prison service. It also touches on how other agencies may become involved, for example the Youth Justice Board will be responsible for the care of young offenders." Superseded by HMPPS, 'MAPPA Guidance' (dated May 2022, published 1/9/22).
  • 29/05/22
    : Event. Event:Bond Solon: Record Keeping (online, 9/9/22) —"Records, including notes, are an essential tool which health and social care professionals must be able to use effectively to meet their various legal and professional responsibilities. This interactive course has been designed to give an understanding of how, when, and why to write timely and accurate records, as well as how they can be used to defend recollection under cross-examination in a courtroom environment." Cost: £145 plus VAT. See Bond Solon website for further details and booking information.
  • 29/05/22
    : Event. Event:Bond Solon: Record Keeping (online, 25/7/22) —"Records, including notes, are an essential tool which health and social care professionals must be able to use effectively to meet their various legal and professional responsibilities. This interactive course has been designed to give an understanding of how, when, and why to write timely and accurate records, as well as how they can be used to defend recollection under cross-examination in a courtroom environment." Cost: £145 plus VAT. See Bond Solon website for further details and booking information.
  • 23/05/22
    : Case (Ex turpi causa). Lewis-Ranwell v G4S Health Services (UK) Ltd [2022] EWHC 1213 (QB) — The claimant killed three men, was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity, then sought damages from G4S, the police, the NHS trust and the county council. The argument that his claim should be struck out on the grounds of illegality was unsuccessful: "The law would not be condoning wrongdoing because the jury's verdict means there was none."
  • 13/05/22
    : FFP release notes and user guide. MHA Free Form Project, 'Release notes' (v4, 5/5/22) —The release notes contain this list of updates: (1) Toggle boxes for deletions on forms now strikethrough text rather than deleting it entirely, wherever practicable; (2) List boxes embedded in text for choices such as nearest relative delegation options have been replaced with more user-friendly dropdown boxes; (3) Completion check code now checks that method of reception of a form matches the method of furnishing it stated in a previous part of the form. The forms are available on the Mental Health Act 1983 Statutory Forms page.