July 2021 chronology

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See July 2021 update for a thematic summary of these changes.

  • 20/07/21
    : Response to MHA review. SSHSC, LC and SSJ, 'Reforming the Mental Health Act: Government response to consultation' (CP 501, July 2021) —This is the main report, but the easy-read version's headings are: Introduction; Four principles; Reasons for keeping people in hospital; Your right to go to a tribunal; People who have gone back into hospital; Giving tribunals more power; Hospital manager’s panel hearings; Choosing your care and treatment; Making sure your choices are listened to; Care and treatment plans; Refusing treatment; Asking a tribunal to stop your treatment; Agreeing to go into hospital; Nominated person; Advocacy; The Mental Capacity Act; Accident and emergency departments; Going to a mental health hospital from prison; People who have been in trouble with the law; The Social Supervisor; People with a learning disability and autistic people; People with a learning disability who get into trouble with the law; Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews; The Care Quality Commission (CQC); Community Treatment Orders (CTOs).
  • 12/07/21
    : Short case law summaries. Aasya Mughal and Steven Richards, 'MHA and MCA case law summary sheet' (Edge Training, June 2021) —This five-page document contains short summaries of cases under the following headings: (1) surgery; (2) covert medication; (3) pregnancy and caesarean section; (4) mental capacity to consent to admission or accommodation; (5) anorexia nervosa - MHA or MCA? (6) use or weigh information; (7) personality disorder; (8) religious delusions and mental capacity; (9) sexual relations; (10) fluctuating capacity; (11) self-neglect; (12) DoLS for the objecting patient in a care home, and prescription of clozapine; (13) alcohol use and the MCA; (14) 17 year old in hospital and neither MHA or DoLS apply; (15) dialysis as a treatment for mental disorder under the MHA; (16) Mental Health Act or DoLS when admitting a person to a MH hospital; (17) Leave of absence (MHA) and DoLS; (18) Guardianship and DoLS; (19) Community Treatment Orders (CTO) and DoLS; (20) Conditional Discharge and DoLS.
  • 12/07/21
    : Event. Event:PELT: Advanced course for Mental Health Act Administrators (online, 24/11/21) —"This course is specifically for MHAA’s. It enables the more experienced to get together and learn and share skills using an evidence base approach in order to fulfil your statutory and non statutory duties as MHAAs on behalf of hospital managers. The course will include an update on recent legal developments which impact on the role of the MHAA." Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT. See PELT website for further details and booking information.
  • 12/07/21
    : Event. Event:PELT: Introduction to COP, including s21A appeals (online, 22/11/21) —"The Court of Protection addresses issues not only of finances but also where deprivation of liberty safeguards and procedures are authorised or challenged, disputed capacity issues are resolved, and where arguments about adult protection and best interests are determined. It is essential that all those working with vulnerable people / safeguarding have an understanding of how to access and use the Court. In certain circumstances there is a legal obligation on authorities to apply to the Court. The course will include updates relating to appeals against Liberty Protection Safeguards if implementation is imminent." Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 + VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
  • 12/07/21
    : Event. Event:PELT: Sex, marriage and relationships (online, 1/11/21) —"Most of us have the right to make unwise decisions. However, in the murky and untidy world of incapacity, life is not like that. The MCA is clear, if you lack capacity to engage in sexual relations, that is it, you cannot do it. Even if you have been married to that person for 60 years. The Court of Protection has been grappling with this thorny subject for many years. There are also many related aspects." Speaker: Peter Edwards and Ben McCormack. Cost: £125 plus VAT. See PELT website for further details and booking information.