CB v SSWP [2020] UKUT 15 (AAC)

All-male and all-female panels (1) It was unlawful of the tribunal to hear the ESA appeal in the applicant's absence; the decision was set aside and the case remitted to a new panel. (2) The judgment contains obiter comments about the request for an all-female panel.


Thanks to Angela Wall of Butler Solicitors for pointing out this case. She recently had a case in which several requests for an all-female panel were declined, but on review the MHT cited this UT decision and accepted that an all-female panel was required in order for the patient fully to participate in the hearing.

Judicial summary

From Gov.uk website:

Employment Support Allowance - tribunal deciding to proceed in absence of appellant - appellant with gynaecological problems and difficulties with bowel movements requesting all-female First-tier Tribunal panel - principles governing composition of tribunal - overriding objective.

External links


Full judgment: BAILII


  • Miscellaneous cases🔍

Date: 9/1/20🔍

Court: Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)🔍



  • CB🔍
  • Secretary of State for Work and Pensions🔍

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Published: 14/4/20 14:47

Cached: 2025-01-21 07:39:14