Leeds City Council (24 001 390) [2024] MHLO 4 (LGSCO)
Section 117 charging Ombudsman's summary: "Mr X complained the Council had started to charge him for transport services although he believed he was eligible for s117 aftercare and should not pay charges. The Council has provided evidence he was not eligible for free aftercare. Following an investigation into Mr X’s complaint about the unreliability of the transport service, and his decision to arrange alternative provision, the Council has now waived all charges. The complaint will not be investigated further as there is no outstanding injustice."
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Date: 17/12/24🔍
Court: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman🔍
- Leeds City Council🔍
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Published: 30/1/25 09:29
Cached: 2025-03-02 00:34:06
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