Oxleas House
Obtain Google Maps directions to the saved coordinates.
Type: Hospital - NHS🔍
Address: Oxleas NHSF Trust, Oxleas House, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Stadium Road, Greenwich, SE18 4QH
Email: Information required
Telephone: Switchboard 0203 953 6340
Website: Information required
closest station : Woolwich Arsenal (mainline / DLR); Parking approx. £1 per hour
MHA Office:
Telephone 0208 308 5440
Shrewsbury ward
Avery Ward
The Tarn (PICU) - (for Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich)
Shepherdleas Ward (older adults)
Within 2 miles (see grey map markers):
- Hazelwood and Greenwood (Type: Hospital - NHS Low Secure)
(no need to log in!)
All contacts can be viewed on the Magic Book main page.
Responsible Authority: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust🔍
Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.