Court of Protection Fees (Amendment) Order 2009

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This Order amends the Court of Protection Fees Order 2007, which set out the fees to be charged for matters coming to the Court of Protection, by abolishing the fee for a certified copy of a document and providing for an additional circumstance under which fees may be exempted (i.e. if the relevant person is in receipt of income-related employment and support allowance). In force 1/4/09.

Official Explanatory note

This Order amends the Court of Protection Fees Order 2007 by:

  • omitting the fee prescribed for a certified copy of a court document (articles 3 and 5); and
  • making provision for an additional qualifying benefit under article 8 of the Court of Protection Fees Order 2007, so that if the relevant person is in receipt of income-related employment and support allowance no fee will be payable under that Order (article 4).

See also


Full text:

Type: UK Statutory Instrument🔍

Year: 2009🔍

Number: 513

Subject: Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection🔍

In force: 1/4/09

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