Welfare benefits
The welfare benefits position of psychiatric in-patients is set out in a House of Lords written answer dated 23/6/10. Psychiatric patients who, were it not for their illness, would be serving a term of imprisonment, do not receive any welfare benefits: this is currently being judicially reviewed (if the LSC will fund an appeal to the Supreme Court).
The following is related to this subject area. The page has links to various external resources.
- Social Security (Hospital In-Patients) Regulations 2005 — These regulations, among other things, (a) abolish the down-rating of in-patient benefits after 52 weeks, and (b) deprive restricted transferred prisoners (those under s47/49, s45A (while the limitation direction continues in force), and similar Scottish provisions) of state benefits. In force since 2006.
The following is a list of cases from Category:Welfare benefits cases (click on this link to see case summaries). The following is an automatically-generated list of the pages in Category:Welfare benefits cases:
- DB (as executor of the estate of OE) v SSWP [2018] UKUT 46 (AAC)
- MOC v SSWP [2022] EWCA Civ 1
- Obrey v SSWP [2013] EWCA Civ 1584, [2013] MHLO 129
- R (D and M) v SSWP [2010] EWCA Civ 18
- R (EM) v SSWP [2009] EWHC 454 (Admin)
- R (Mitocariu) v Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust [2018] EWHC 126 (Admin)
- R (MM) v SSWP [2013] EWCA Civ 1565, [2013] MHLO 132
- R (RD) v SSWP [2008] EWHC 2635 (Admin)
- R (RJM) v SSWP [2007] EWCA Civ 614
- R (RJM) v SSWP [2008] UKHL 63
- SS v UK 40356/10 [2011] ECHR 107
- SS v UK 40356/10 54466/10 [2015] ECHR 520
- SSWP v Slavin [2011] EWCA Civ 1515
- Stec v UK 65731/01 [2005] ECHR 924
- Stec v UK 65731/01 [2006] ECHR 393
- Tendring District Council v AB [2024] EWCA Civ 1248
- Tendring District Council v SSWP [2024] EWCA Civ 1509
External links
The following category (in the blue box) can be clicked to view a list of other pages in the same category: