Page values for "Recording of hearings (MHT)"

"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
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_creationDateDatetime2024-11-20 12:53:28 PM
_modificationDateDatetime2024-11-20 12:53:28 PM
_fullTextSearchtext{{Information-header}} Remote hearings have been recorded since 15/1/24, but face-to-face hearings are not recorded and neither are pre-hearing examinations. The following information was provided by the Deputy Chamber President to the MHLA Conference on 15/11/24: * Recordings are made under of the ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |Pages_using_DynamicPageList3_parser_function Mental_Health_Tribunal_pages
_pageNameOrRedirectStringRecording of hearings (MHT)
_pageNamePageRecording of hearings (MHT)

Recording of hearings (MHT)
