Page values for "Re Ferguson (2010) COP 26/10/10"

"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
_creationDateDatetime2010-11-28 8:48:19 PM
_modificationDateDatetime2021-05-02 7:58:32 AM
_fullTextSearchtext''The donor appointed three attorneys, A, B and C, to act jointly and severally. She then imposed the following restrictions: "I wish my attorneys to act as follows: A to act independently. B and C to act only in the event that A is deceased or unable to act. In these circumstances B and C may ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |2010 cases Brief summary Judgment does not exist LPA cases - severance of restrictions No transcript
_pageNameOrRedirectStringRe Ferguson (2010) COP 26/10/10
_pageNamePageRe Ferguson (2010) COP 26/10/10

Re Ferguson (2010) COP 26/10/10
