Page values for "R (TF) v SSJ (2008) EWCA Civ 1457"

"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
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_creationDateDatetime2008-12-18 9:00:37 PM
_modificationDateDatetime2021-05-29 11:35:09 PM
_fullTextSearchtext''(1) Having found that the transfer direction under [[s47]] was unlawful the judge erred by exercising her discretion to refuse relief: an unlawful detention cannot be transmuted into lawful detention by the withholding of relief. (2) A decision to transfer a prisoner to hospital at the end of his ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |2008 cases Brief summary Judgment available on Bailii Transcript Unlawful detention cases
_pageNameOrRedirectStringR (TF) v SSJ (2008) EWCA Civ 1457
_pageNamePageR (TF) v SSJ (2008) EWCA Civ 1457

R (TF) v SSJ [2008] EWCA Civ 1457


"Contributors" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
NameStringDavies, Rheian
PlaceStringDH Law
ContributionStringproviding the judgment