Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (23 018 261) [2025] MHLO 1 (LGSCO)
Visiting restrictions in supported living LGSCO's summary: "The Council is at fault for the way in which it banned Mr & Mrs X from visiting their daughter, Ms Y in her supported living accommodation for almost a year. It failed to investigate allegations against Mrs X fairly and failed to consider the impact of the ban on Ms Y. It also failed to conduct a mental capacity assessment of Ms Y in line with legislation."
Full judgment: No Bailii link (neutral citation is unknown or not applicable)
- Community care🔍
Date: 21/1/25🔍
Court: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman🔍
- Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council🔍
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Published: 7/3/25 10:49
Cached: 2025-03-16 04:49:39
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