White v Philips [2017] EWHC 386 (Ch)
Testamentary capacity "The claimant, Linda Anne White is the testator's widow. They had married in 1988. They had no children together but each had been married before and each had three children from their respective previous marriages. She contends that at the time he gave instructions and when he signed his will Mr White lacked testamentary capacity with the result that the will is invalid and, since there was no prior will, his estate should be distributed in accordance with the rules relating to intestacy. A pleaded claim to the effect that the execution of the will was obtained by undue influence is no longer being pursued. The only matter for determination therefore is whether at the time Mr White had testamentary capacity."
Full judgment: BAILII
- Testamentary capacity cases🔍 Other related cases can be found in Category:Capacity and DOL
Date: 27/2/17🔍
Court: High Court (Chancery Division)🔍
- Saffman🔍
Citation number(s):
- [2017] EWHC 386 (Ch)B
- [2017] MHLO 9
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Published: 6/3/17 22:02
Cached: 2025-03-13 08:02:36
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