=Has been added to MHLO
=Only appears in to do list
- 2014: India v Ashley DC (Elias LJ, Hickinbottom J) 10/10/2014 - extradition
- 2014: New mental health complaints guidance available - 07 Apr 2014 Guidance draws on discussions including the Law Society, NHS and the LAA <>
- 2014: R v A (O M) (2014) CA Crim Div 10 June 2014
- 2014: Chadwick v Collinson & Ors [2014] EWHC 3055 (Ch)B (24 September 2014)
- 2014: North Somerset Council v LW - Court of Protection (Keehan J) 21/05/2014
- 2014: Local Govt Lawyer, Dept of Health suggests actions to take after Supreme Court DoL ruling Monday, 31 March 2014
- 2014: A Local Authority v B, F & G [2014] EWHC B18 (COP)B (21 March 2014) "This case raises the novel point as to whether or not a Hadkinson order can be granted in the Court of Protection and whether or not, in the circumstances of this particular case, it should be."
- 2014: CQC Cheshire guidance
- 2014: 37 Park Square e-lerter (see email 9/9/14)
- 2014: Inappropriate admissions guidance - Guidance on inappropriate admissions of children and young people to adult mental health wards. Start of consultation: 15/09/2014 End of consultation: 05/12/2014
- 2014: R v Hamilton CA Crim Div 22/7/14 ?
- 2014: Ben Troke, 'Deprivation of liberty and due process' (Local Government Lawyer, 2/10/14)
- 2014: McIntyre v United states [2014] EWHC 1886 (Admin)B - extradition
- 2014: RGS (No. 3), Re [2014] EWHC B12 (COP)B (20 March 2013)
- 2014: Ben Troke, 'Doctors’ orders?' (Local Government Lawyer, 9/10/14)
- 2014: Local Government Lawyer, 'Denial of legal aid in Court of Protection cases "a false economy", says judge" (8/10/14)
- 2014: R v Peter Quirk [2014] EWCA Crim 1052Not on Bailii! (Lawtel)
- 2014: 'MoJ faces judicial review over residence test for civil legal aid' Monday, 27 January 2014
- 2014: No change in content (just font)?
- 2014: Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v AA [2014] EWHC 1666 (Fam)Not on Bailii! (28 January 2014) Caesarian
- 2014: Re EW (a child) 03/06/2014 ??
- 2014: (1) MWCS statistical monitoring reports (2) MWCS, 'Statistical monitoring: Mental Health Act monitoring 2013/2014' (9/10/14) (3) Adults with Incapacity Act monitoring 2013/2014 - 9 October 2014
- 2014: Mentally unfit refugees unfairly targeted by Home Office, Mark Townsend, The Observer, Saturday 25 January 2014
- 2014: Nicklinson & Anor R (on the application of) (Rev 1) [2014] UKSC 38B (25 June 2014)
- 2014: Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2014 JR funding. In force 22/4/14
- 2014: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, 'Visit and monitoring report: Updated survey of recorded matters' (2/10/14)
- 2014: Simon v Byford & Ors [2014] EWCA Civ 280B (13 March 2014) testamentary capacity
- 2014: Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v AA & Ors (Rev 1) [2014] EWHC 132 (Fam)B (28 January 2014) URL: - Caesarian
- 2014: BBC North Somerset care home staff sentenced for ill-treating resident 20/6/14
- 2014: Chris Grayling plans network of mental health centres in prisons - Alan Travis,The Guardian, Tuesday 16 September 2014
- 2014: Medical examination email 2/4/14; Rule 34 general direction 7/4/14; Stakeholder letter Apr 2014; T129 7/4/14; Other consultation documents (saved)
- 2014: John Bingham, 'Boy taken off life support after judge rules there is no hope of a ‘miracle’ dies' (Telegraph, 6/10/14) and Press Association, 'High Court to rule whether boy, 1, should be allowed to die' (Daily Telegraph, 29/9/14)
- 2014: R v Humphries (David) (2014) CA, CRIMINAL DIVISION 7 October 2014 ?
- 2014: Plesó v Hungary – [2014] MHLR 72
- 2014: Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) (No 3) Regulations 2014 - JR
- 2014: FRA: The right to political participation of persons with disabilities: Summary and 'Indicators on the right to political participation of people with disabilities' Full report should be here on 29/4/14:
- 2014: Family Law Week - Court of Protection Update (August 2014)
- 2014: Adults with Incapacity (Supervision of Welfare Guardians etc. by Local Authorities) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2014
- 2014: Report: Adult social care in England 10 July 2014 Public Accounts Committee
- 2014:
- 2014: Consultation on Ill-treatment or wilful neglect in health and social care
- 2014: Social circumstances reports for MHTs in England under the 2013 Practice Direction: Part 2 - Legal Action (2014) June Pages 41-46 - 4/7/2014 (see if can publish)
- 2014: R v Quirk (Peter Kenneth) (2014) CA 7 May 2014
- 2014: Heather Saul, 'Judge rules pregnant paranoid schizophrenic woman must undergo Caesarean section' (Independent, 22/10/14)
- 2014: The Care Act 2014: the key points for local authorities, Thursday, 05 June 2014 16:19
- 2014: Das, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department & Ors [2014] EWCA Civ 45B (28 January 2014) 'This appeal concerns the circumstances in which a person who the Secretary of State for the Home Department has power to remove from the United Kingdom and intends to do so but who has a mental illness may be detained.'† incl ICLR
- 2014: Consultation on the revisions to the Adult Support & Protection Code of Practice (Scotland) - Analysis of Responses to public consultation
- 2014: R (Poule) v SSHD (2014) QBD (Admin) (Robin Purchas QC) 15/05/2014 - immigration and mental health
- 2014: Alex Ruck Keene, 'Throwing down the gauntlet – the mental capacity revolution in Northern Ireland' (3/7/14)
- 2014: Local Government Lawyer, 'Claimants apply to Court of Appeal over approach to deprivation of liberty cases' (30/9/14)
- 2014: Birmingham City Council v Howell and another CA Civ 17/6/14 ?
- 2014: R (on the application of AB) v Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority 14 January 2014 ?
- 2014: Andy McNicoll, 'Man "left in squalor" after errors assessing his mental capacity, ombudsman finds (Community Care, 12/6/14)) Health and care professionals from South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) and Bedford Borough Council were so focused on supporting the man, who is in his late 50s, to live independently that they failed to properly assess his capacity, the joint investigation by the health service and local government ombudsmen found. As a result he suffered malnutrition. Find the report.
- 2014: MoJ has today published the Government's response to part one of the consultation paper "Court fees - Proposals for reform". The response sets out the Government's cost recovery proposals and sets out changes to fees so they move closer to recovering the full cost of the civil court system. A copy of the response can be found at: The new fees will come into force on 22nd April 2014, with the exception of the fee changes in the Court of Appeal and Court of Protection, which will be introduced at a later date. The Government will announce its response to part two of the consultation paper on proposals for charging enhanced fees in due course.
- 2014: Lewis v Lewis [2014] EWCA Civ 412B
- 2014: Re BM [2014] All ER (D) 178 (May) [2014] Lexis Citation 79 - 20 May 2014 - Judge Lush
- 2014: ‘Ordinary residence’ revisited Thursday, 29 May 2014
- 2014: R (on the application of Dyer) v Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board (2014) QBD, ADMINISTRATIVE COURT 1 August 2014 ?
- 2014: Alexandra Johnstone, 'To consult or not to consult the nearest relative?' (Local Government Lawyer, 16/10/14) ?
- 2014: R v A (G) (2014) 6 February 2014
- 2014: Health and Safety Executive, 'NHS Trust fined after patient paralysed' (press release, 1/10/14). "Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has been fined for safety failings after a vulnerable mental health patient was left paralysed after diving off a roof."
- 2014: R v Atkinson (James) (2014) CA, CRIMINAL DIVISION 3 October 2014 ?
- 2014: Re: T (Children) 13 August 2014 ?? Lexis
- 2014: Re P [2014] EWHC 119 (COP)Not on Bailii!, [2014] All ER (D) 239 (Jan) - treatment of rectal bleeding
- 2014: R (Lubarski) v Poland (2014) QBD (Admin) (Ouseley J) 12/11/14
- 2014: Last word: respecting decisions and privacy before and after death, Solicitors Journal S.J. (2014) Vol.158 No.22 Pages 18-19,21, 3/6/2014, Barry Speker (Sintons)
- 2014: Publication of Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14 - Wednesday, 25 June 2014 - ?
- 2014: DH: Closing the Gap: Priorities for essential change in mental health †
- 2014: Southend-on-Sea BC v Armour [2014] EWCA Civ 231B (CA (Civ Div))
- 2014: LAA travel claims See CAG 3.14 and 3.15
- 2014: Ben Troke webinar Cheshire
- 2014: HSCIC, 'Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (England) Quarter 1 Return, 2014-15' (2/10/14)
- 2014: HM, Re Judicial Review [2014] NIQB 43B (4 April 2014) URL: - NI NR
- 2014: Consultation outcome: Review of the operation of Sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act
- 2014: S, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] EWHC 50 (Admin)B (28 January 2014) 'The claimant, "S", claims damages for his alleged unlawful immigration detention in Corby Police Station and Colnbrook and Harmondsworth IRCs between 3 December 2011 and 21 March 2012 and for the alleged series of significant breaches by the defendant, ("SSHD") of the policies relating to immigration detention, the detaining of those suffering from serious mental illness and of the treatment and conditions of detention of such immigration detainees.'
- 2014: Dear Court of Protection User Re X email 15/11/14 plus attachments
- 2014: R (on the application of Antoniou) v Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust [2014] EWCA Civ 12M June 2014 - death
- 2014: Hundreds of mentally ill children 'locked in police cells', some for over 24 hours, Independent 8/4/14
- 2014: An NHS Foundation Trust v AB [2014] EWHC 1031 (Fam)B (04 April 2014) URL: - "The disagreement centres on what steps, if any, should be taken following his extubation from the ventilator he is currently on."
- 2014: Masked AMHP, Rubbed Up the Wrong Way? Difficulties with the MCA/MHA Interface 20 May 2014 - ML case
- 2014: Essex Autonomy project - Is the MCA compliant with the CRPD? -
- 2014: "Please find attached an amended P6 for completion by the Judges at Tribunal hearings. The forms should then be handed to the MHAA, immediately after the hearing. This replaces all previous versions." See MHLA email 11/4/14 "In addition at the Stakeholder meeting yesterday, we were asked to circulate the STJ Liaison Judges Areas and contact email addresses to all Trusts, please see attached." "Please see attached T129 form that has been slightly amended to include a footer. The footer has been added to ensure the up to date version of the form is being used. Please disregard the previously e-mailed T129 sent on Monday 7th April 2014." "On Tuesday 15 April The Mental Health Tribunal with be moving to a new telephone system. The move may cause some disruption to telephone services during the transition. To assist us to keep disruption to a minimum, we would advise you to avoid telephone contact were possible and to e-mail in the first instance. We will endeavour to maintain our services and urgent telephone contact can be made on 0300 123 2201. Please note that from 15 April all fax numbers pre-fixed 01162 will no longer be operational. Please see the new contact sheet attached." See MHLA email 11/4/14
- 2014: David Barrett, 'Judge calls for more openness in controversial secret court' (Telegraph, 17/10//14) - check
- 2014: Your nearest relative isn't always the dearest S.J. (2014) Vol.158 No.28 Page 17 - 15/7/2014 - David Hewitt
- 2014: R v S (P B) (2014) CA Crim 16/7/14 ??
- 2014: Re GW [2014] All ER (D) 91 (Jun). Deputyship.
- 2014: Brennan v R. [2014] EWCA Crim 2387B (21 November 2014)
- 2014: Ben Troke, 'Doctors' Orders' (Browne Jacobson, 5/9/14). Also here
- 2014: LAA Annual report 2013/4 and plans for 2014/5
- 2014: R v Catchpole (Scott Jamie) (2014) CA 7 May 2014
- 2014: Government pushes on with online powers of attorney - Law Society Gazette, July 8, 2014
- 2014: A County Council v MS [2014] Lexis Citation 44, [2014] All ER (D) 46 (Apr) COP 20/3/14 ?
- 2014: Mental Health Network issues guide on minimising use of restrictive practices Local Govt Lawyer Wednesday, 17 September 2014
- 2014: Nursing & Midwifery Council v Simpson (2014) QBD 22 May 2014 12 months for s44 offences
- 2014: The Government of Ghana v Gambrah & Anor [2014] EWHC 1569 (Admin)B (16 May 2014)
- 2014: Mind over matter 24 October 2014 Tim Spencer-Lane reports on a ground-breaking Mental Health Bill
- 2014: Care Act 2014 becomes law.
- 2014: Munby Legal Aid judgment - - also Legal Aid Handbook blog - and the judgment itself
- 2014: Application for directions by West Lothian Council in respect of LY, Livingston Sheriff Court, 30th May 2014
- 2014: Independent - Mental health patients being denied human rights in court, warn leading lawyers
- 2014: 1 May 2014 BBC Mentally-ill woman has Caesarean after court ruling Also:
- 2014: R v Janaway (Christopher Ian) (2014) CA 15 May 2014
- 2014: LAA August 2014 mental health guidance. The only changes since April version are: in part 2 "3.36 of 2010" replaced with "3.24 of 2014"; in part 4, final paragraph, "2013" replaced with "2014".
- 2014: No Neglect
- 2014: Tracey v Cambridge [2014] EWCA Civ 822B
- 2014: Somerset County Council v Quiam 28 January 2014 ?
- 2014: Tim Spencer-Lane, 'Mental capacity & detention' (New Law Journal, 10//10/14) "Tim Spencer-Lane provides an overview of the Law Commission’s review of the deprivation of liberty safeguards"
- 2014: Re; C (a child) 30 April 2014 ??
- 2014: The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness Annual report July 2014
- 2014:
- 2014: R v B – [2014] MHLR 12
- 2014: R v Daniels (Jade Louise) (2014) CA, CRIMINAL DIVISION 8 October 2014 ?
- 2014: R v Ioaannis Marinos – [2014] MHLR 20
- 2014: Mental health nurses to be posted in police stations
- 2014: Hill Dickinson, A gilded cage is still a cage: P -v- Cheshire West and Chester Council and another; P and Q -v- Surrey County Council
- 2014: Legal Aid Standard Civil Contract 2014 – commencing 1 August 2014; section 7 contains MH category specific rules
- 2014: R (on the application of S) v Ministry Of Justice (2014) QBD 24/6/14 ??
- 2014: Independent - High Court to make landmark ruling on whether to allow brain damaged man to die
- 2014: Issue 15 of the Mind legal newsletter.
- 2014:
- 2014: Add Bailii link and NCN to R (M) v Kingston Crown Court [2014] MHLO 50 (DC)
- 2014: Response by Faculty of Advocates to Scottish Parliament on Mental Health (Scotland) Bill Consultation, 2/4/14
- 2014: Why commissioning of mental capacity advocacy must change to protect rights of vulnerable - Community Care 4/2/14
- 2014: Arshad v Malta DC (Treacy LJ, Supperstone J) 01/07/2014 - extradition
- 2014: Jones v Parkin & Ors 10 April 2014. MCA
- 2014: Add ICLR summary to Republic of South Africa v Dewani [2014] EWHC 153 (Admin), [2014] MHLO 3
- 2014: R v Dillon (Ian) (2014) CA Crim 11 March 2014
- 2014: Nick Woodhead, Identifying a potential deprivation of liberty in a hospital (for an adult) and guidance note
- 2014:
- 2014: FA (Iran) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department 30 January 2014 ?
- 2014: Beech & Anor v Birmingham City Council [2014] EWCA Civ 830B (17 June 2014) possession proceedings
- 2014:
- 2014: MP v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (DLA) [2014] UKUT 0426 (AAC)Not on Bailii! OSSCSC
- 2014: OPO v MLA & Anor [2014] EWCA Civ 1277B (09 October 2014)
- 2014: Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010: Consultation 7/8/14
- 2014: Call for radical changes to way women offenders are treated Friday 25 April 2014
- 2014: Sheriff rejects continuing power of attorney in favour of bank, Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, May 28, 2014 Also:
- 2014: P, Re (capacity to tithe inheritance) [2014] EWHC B14 (COP)B (20 March 2014).
- 2014: Procurement area tool from this page - check still accurate - convert to online script
- 2014: JT and KT v Suffolk CC and Public Guardian 10/4/14 - revoke LPA - find
- 2014: Supreme Court refuses to hear litigant-in-person negligence appeal, Litigation Futures Aug 28, 2014 (Mulcahy v Castles Solicitors) - undiagnosed AS
- 2014: Lucy Series, 'Acid Test'
- 2014: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - General Comment on Article 12 (Equal Recognition before the Law)
- 2014: Law Commission project on deprivation of liberty
- 2014: R v Colborne (Matthew) (2014) 4 February 2014 ?
- 2014: Dunhill v Burgin (Rev 1) [2014] UKSC 18B (12 March 2014) incl ICLR†
- 2014: Worcestershire County Council, R (on the application of) v Essex County Council [2014] EWHC 3557 (Admin)M (29 October 2014) s117
- 2014: R (Aswat) v SSHD and US, DC (Lord Thomas LCJ, Mitting J) 4/9/14 - extradition
- 2014: Scottish Parliament, 'Spice Briefing: Mental Health (Scotland) Bill' (25/9/14)
- 2014: Learning Disability - policies and issues - Commons Library Standard Note Published 12 December 2014 Standard notes SN07058 Authors: Elizabeth Blow, Aliyah Dar
- 2014: Edwards v SSHD and Govt of USA DC (Aikens LJ, Globe J) 11/07/2014
- 2014: Inpatients Formally Detained in Hospitals Under the Mental Health Act 1983 and Patients Subject to Supervised Community Treatment, England - 2013-2014, Annual figures Publication date: October 29, 2014
- 2014: BBC Democacy Live, 'Tory MP seeks Mental Health Act change' (15/10/14)
- 2014: R v H (2014) [2014] EWCA Crim 1555B - expert evidence
- 2014: ABC v DEF [2014] EWHC 3346 (QB)B (14 October 2014)
- 2014: Ali (a Protected Party suing by Jabid Ali his father and Litigation Friend) v Caton and another Court of Appeal, Civil Division 15 October 2014 ?
- 2014:
- 2014: DK, R (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] EWHC 3257 (Admin)B (10 October 2014) URL: - immigration/mental health
- 2014: R (Haroon Aswat) v Home Secretary – [2014] MHLR 140
- 2014: MHT stakeholder bulletin 13/11/14 "Mental Health Tribunal – Statutory Reports submission from Responsible Authority"
- 2014: P (A Child), Re [2014] EWHC 1146 (Fam)B (15 April 2014) (caesarian/family case) final judgment
- 2014: Mental Health Tribunal v SP THE HIGH COURT 12 May 2014
- 2014: Legal Aid Handbook, 'MoJ publishes annual legal aid statistics' (24/6/14) -
- 2014: MRJ (Reconsideration of Order) [2014] EWHC B15 (COP)B (10 April 2014) URL: - financial affairs
- 2014: Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2014 – exceptions to draft residence test regulations
- 2014: Law Commission project on wills
- 2014: Consultation outcome - Wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care
- 2014: LAA Apr 2014 guidance on authorities and Legal Aid for cases in courts outside England and Wales ??
- 2014: GROMOVS v LATVIA (2014) QBD (Admin) (Collins J) 10/11/2014 ???
- 2014: BBC, '"Failings" over care of mentally ill man who killed father' (2/10/14)
- 2014: A Local Authority v B [2014] All ER (D) 59 (Jun). Contact, injunction
- 2014: Aswat v UK – [2014] MHLR 130
- 2014: Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2014 - Legal Aid ‘residence test’ draft regulations – ‘discharge of a patient liable to be detained or recalled’ and DOL exceptions
- 2014: DH; Positive and Proactive Care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions
- 2014: NCC v AH & Anor [2014] EWHC 4845 (Fam)B (19 August 2014)
- 2014: Haroon Aswat, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Home Department [2014] EWHC 1216 (Admin)B (16 April 2014) URL: - MH and extradition (see para 45)
- 2014: R v Kinsey (Matthew) (2014) CA 1 May 2014
- 2014: R v Thomas (Julie) (2014) CA, CRIMINAL DIVISION 8 October 2014 ?
- 2014: King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v T & Ors [2014] EWHC 3315 (Fam)B (30 September 2014)
- 2014: DH letter re Cheshire West
- 2014: A Local Authority v TZ (No. 2) [2014] EWHC 973 (COP)B (01 April 2014)
- 2014: Re RS's application for JR [2014] NIQB 88B
- 2014: FX v Clinical Director of Central Mental Hospital - [2014] IESC 1B Southern Irish Supreme Court 23 January 2014
- 2014: R v Poole (Matthew Jason) (2014) CA Crim 22 July 2014 ?
- 2014: R v Wilson (Jane) (2014) CA Crim 3/9/14 ??
- 2014: PD v Clinical Director, Southern Irish High Court 10 February 2014 ?
- 2014: R v Macsweeney (Fintan Lalor) (2014) CA Crim 23 July 2014 ?
- 2014: John Bingham, 'Care home restraint seven times level previously thought' (Daily Telegraph, 2/10/14)
- 2014: LM v Slovenia (App. No. 32863/05) - [2014] ECHR 32863Not on Bailii!/05 12 June 2014 ??
- 2014: CQC First reports from new-style inspections of mental health services and community health services 17 April 2014
- 2014: Draft MHA Code of Practice Consultation
- 2014: Daily Mail - Killer fights to keep name secret
- 2014: R v Robert Walls – [2014] MHLR 67
- 2014: R (on the application of Walizada) v Secretary Of State For The Home Department (2014) QBD 9 May 2014 ?
- 2014: Alex Ruck Keene, 'Deprivation of liberty – some fog clears about children’s homes' (3/7/14) - relates to Liverpool City Council v SG & Ors [2014] EWCOP 10M -
- 2014: ZH v Hungary – [2014] MHLR 1
- 2014: JMCA v Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - NICA 12 May 2014 - DOL
- 2014: Capacity in Crisis? 17 April 2014 Sophy Miles & Beverley Taylor highlight the problems stemming from the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- 2014: L.M. v. SLOVENIA - 32863/05 - Chamber Judgment [2014] ECHR 608B (12 June 2014) DOL in psychiatric hospital
- 2014: A (A Child), Re (Rev 1) [2014] EWHC 920 (COP)B (12 February 2014)
- 2014: A rotten culture
- 2014: 17 March 2014
- 2014: CQC updated their Cheshire West guidance on 14/4/14 - see discussion list emails
- 2014: Ben Troke, 'Deprivation of liberty and due process' (Local Government Lawyer, 2/10/14)
- 2014: Hospital had no plan to tackle autistic woman’s weight gain, coroner rules - Stephanie Bincliffe gained 10 stone in seven years at privately run assessment and treatment centre, inquest heard - Helen Pidd, northern editor - The Guardian, Monday 24 November 2014 18.23 GMT
- 2014: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, 'Visit and monitoring report: Experience of named persons' (2/10/14)
- 2014: A County Council v MS and another [2014] All ER (D) 46 (Apr) DJ Eldergill Judgment Dates: 20 March 2014
- 2014: Valintelis v Prosecutors General Office Lithuania [2014] All ER (D) 149 (Apr)
- 2014: Accg & Anor v MN [2014] EWCA Civ 1176B (25 June 2014)
- 2014: Loughlin v Singh and others [2014] EWHC 912 (Admin)Not on Bailii! - at least link on existing pages
- 2014: Mental Health (Scotland) Bill 2014 (SP Bill No.53)
- 2014: Webley v St George's Hospital NHS Trust & Anor [2014] EWHC 299 (QB)B (14 February 2014)
- 2014: Care Quality Commission, 'Care Quality Commission confirms new approach to inspecting and rating care services' (25/9/14)
- 2014: Re P (a child) (reporting restriction order) - [2014] 2 FCR 337 Fam Div 17 December 2013 ??
- 2014: R v Melbourne (Sean) CA Crim 25 February 2014 ?
- 2014: Pippa Stephens, '"Too many" mentally ill end up in cells not hospital' (BBC Health, 22/10/14)
- 2014: Try to publish 'How to deal with conveyancing when a client loses capacity' Solicitors Journal (2014) Vol.158 No.19 Page 28 15/5/14 John Coulter (Hadaway & Hadaway)
- 2014: R (on the application of EC) v SA Care Home / Hospital (2014) Admin Court 20/3/14 ??
- 2014: Sophy Miles, 'Cheshire West and its impact on Mental Health and Mental Capacity Lawyers' (MHLA website, 3/4/14)
- 2014: LBX v K, L and M [2013] EWHC 3230 (Fam) (links added)
- 2014: Aster Healthcare Ltd v Shafi (Estate of) [2014] EWHC 77 (QB)M (24 January 2014) 'This is an appeal from the decision of HH Judge Million in the Willesden County Court to grant summary judgment to the Claimant in a claim against the Estate of the late Mr Mohammed Shafi for outstanding care home fees. It raises interesting and important issues about the relationship between section 7 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the provisions of Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948, ("the 1948 Act") Part III of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 ("the 1990 Act"), and related statutes, regulations and guidance that concern the obligations or powers of a local authority to provide residential accommodation and care services for persons who by reason of age, illness, disability or any other circumstances are in need of care and attention which is not otherwise available to them.'
- 2014: Graves v Capital Home Loans Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 1297M
- 2014: TW v Enfield Borough Council [2014] EWCA Civ 362M (27 March 2014) 'In summary, it seems to me that, as a matter of construction of section 11(4), when an ASW is considering whether it is "reasonably practicable" to consult the "nearest relative" before making an application to admit a mental patient pursuant to section 3(1) and 13(1) of the MHA 1983 (in its form as at 29 June 2007), the section imposes on the ASW an obligation to strike a balance between the patient's Article 5 right not to be detained unless that is done by a procedure that is in accordance with the law and the patient's Article 8(1) right to her private life.'
- 2014: L, R (on the application of) v West London Mental Health NHS Trust & Ors [2014] EWCA Civ 47M (29 January 2014)
- 2014: Aster Healthcare Ltd v Shafi (The Estate of) [2014] EWCA Civ 1350M (24 October 2014)