Text:PB rules sch 1
Rule 6(1)
Information and reports for submission to the Board by the Secretary of State on a reference to the Board under section 28(6)(a) or (7) or the 1997 Act or section 44A(2) of the 1991 Act
Part A: Information relating to the prisoner
1. The full name of the prisoner
2. The date of birth of the prisoner.
3. The prison in which the prisoner is detained and details of other prisons in which the prisoner has been detained, the date and reasons for any transfer.
4. The date the prisoner was given the life sentence or extended sentence, details of the offence and any previous convictions.
5. The comments, if available, of the trial judge in passing sentence.
6. Where applicable, the conclusions of the Court of Appeal in respect of any appeal by the prisoner against conviction or sentence.
7. The parole history, if any, of the prisoner, including details of any periods spent on licence during the currency of the life sentence or extended sentence.
Part B: Reports relating to the prisoner
1. Pre-trial and pre-sentence reports examined by the sentencing court on the circumstances of the offence.
2. Reports on a prisoner while he was subject to a transfer direction under section 47 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
3. Current reports on the prisoners risk factors, reduction in risk and performance and behaviour in prison, including views on suitability for release on licence as well as compliance with any sentence plan.
4. An up-to-date home circumstances report prepared for the Board by an officer of the supervising local probation board, including information on the following where relevant:
- (a) details of the home address, family circumstances, and family attitudes towards the prisoner;
- (b) alternative options if the offender cannot return home;
- (c) the opportunity for employment on release;
- (d) the local communitys attitude towards the prisoner (if known);
- (e) the attitudes and concerns of the victims of the offence (if known);
- (f) the prisoners attitude to the index offence;
- (g) the prisoners response to previous periods of supervision;
- (h) the prisoners behaviour during any temporary leave during the current sentence;
- (i) the prisoners attitude to the prospect of release and the requirements and objectives of supervision;
- (j) an assessment of the risk of reoffending;
- (k) a programme of supervision;
- (l) a view on suitability for release; and
- (m) recommendations regarding any non-standard licence conditions.