
External link

It is impossible to keep all of Mental Health Law Online's external links up to date, because websites - particularly government websites - regularly change their content and structure. If you are confronted with an error message, but manage to find what you were looking for at a different location, please let me know so that I can update the link on MHLO. Alternatively, it may be possible to obtain a backup copy. Your options are set out on this page.

Option 1. Use the link

The link you have selected would take you to the following external website:

  • Website: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9728787/Family-fight-to-keep-father-alive-in-court-battle.html
  • Status: ERROR: Forbidden (error code 403)

Option 2. Obtain a backup

If you cannot find what you were looking for:

  • Contact me to find out if a backup of this file is available.