Related place. Leave blank unless this contact is based at a location which is already in the Magic Book. For example, barristers at Garden Court Chambers all have Garden Court Chambers as their Related place. Start typing the location's name and suggestions will appear.
Address. If there's a Related place then the address field will be ignored (leave blank).
Coordinates. We need coordinates to show the location on maps. Please click "Calculate coordinates using Address" below. If necessary you can click or drag the marker to an exact position (e.g. entrance, car park).
Type. e.g. "Hospital - NHS", "Hospital - private", "Law firm". You can have more than one (separated with commas). Start typing and suggestions will appear.
Responsible Authority. For inclusion in MHT applications. See Responsible authority for definitions. Start typing and suggestions will appear
General points:
- Type "N/A" in a field so that it doesn't appear when the page is viewed (e.g. the "Wards" field is only relevant to hospitals).
- For people: Add personal information with permission, unless publicly available already. Please don't include opinions!