
View table: Legislation

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  1. Type - String (mandatory; allowed values: UK Public General Act · UK Statutory Instrument · Act of the Scottish Parliament · Scottish Statutory Instrument · Act of the National Assembly for Wales · Measure of the National Assembly for Wales · Wales Statutory Instrument · Act of the Northern Ireland Assembly · Northern Ireland Statutory Rules · Northern Ireland Orders in Council · Other)
  2. Year - Date (mandatory)
  3. Number - Integer
  4. In_force - Date
  5. Subject - List of String, delimiter: ,
  6. Summary - Wikitext
  7. Detail - Text
  8. External_links - Text

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Page Type Year Number In force Subject Summary Detail External links
Access to Health Records Act 1990 (edit) UK Public General Act 1990 23 Miscellaneous legislation

"An Act to establish a right of access to health records by the individuals to whom they relate and other persons; to provide for the correction of inaccurate health records and for the avoidance of certain contractual obligations; and for connected purposes."

Access to Justice Act 1999 (edit) UK Public General Act 1999 22 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Access to Justice Act 1999 (Destination of Appeals) Order 2000 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2000 1,071 2000-05-02 Miscellaneous legislation

This Order sets out the general rule that appeals from the county courts other than in family proceedings will lie to the Court rather than to the Court of Appeal, and sets out the exceptions. In force 2/5/00.

Act of Sederunt (Transfer of Judicial Review Applications from the Court of Session) 2008 (edit) Scottish Statutory Instrument 2008 357 2008-11-10 Tribunal legislation

This states that "an application which challenges a procedural decision or a procedural ruling of the First-tier Tribunal" must be transferred by the (Scottish) Court of Session to the Upper Tribunal.

Administration of Justice Act 1960 (edit) UK Public General Act 1960 65 Other useful legislation

"An Act to make further provision for appeals to the House of Lords in criminal cases; to amend the law relating to contempt of court, habeas corpus and certiorari; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid."

Administration of Justice Act 1969 (edit) UK Public General Act 1969 58 Miscellaneous legislation

Part 2 of the Act deals with 'leapfrog' appeals from the High Court directly to the Supreme Court, skipping out the Court of Appeal: for example, see Dunhill v Burgin [2012] EWHC 3163 (QB), [2012] MHLO 115 in which case a certificate for this was granted by the High Court.

Adoption and Children Act 2002 (edit) UK Public General Act 2002 38 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 3 amends MHA 1983 s28. Schedule 5 repeals Sch 4 para 45 (not reproduced on this site).

Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 (edit) Act of the Scottish Parliament 2007 10 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 (edit) Act of the Scottish Parliament 2000 4 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 6 amends MHA 1983 s110.

Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (edit) UK Public General Act 2014 12 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (edit) UK Public General Act 2001 24 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Appeals from the Upper Tribunal to the Court of Appeal Order 2008 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2008 2,834 2008-11-03 Tribunal legislation [Show]
Arbitration Act 1996 (edit) UK Public General Act 1996 23 Legislation amending MHA 1983

"An Act to restate and improve the law relating to arbitration pursuant to an arbitration agreement; to make other provision relating to arbitration and arbitration awards; and for connected purposes." Schedule 3 amends s78 MHA 1983.

Armed Forces Act 1996 (edit) UK Public General Act 1996 46 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Armed Forces Act 2006 (edit) UK Public General Act 2006 46 Legislation amending MHA 1983

"An Act to make provision with respect to the armed forces; and for connected purposes." Will amend MHA 1983 s47 when in force. [Most likely has done by now: check.]

Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018 (edit) UK Public General Act 2018 23 2018-11-13 Other useful legislation

This Act creates: (1) a new either-way offence of assault or battery committed against an emergency worker with a maximum sentence of 12 months, or a fine, or both; (2) a statutory aggravating factor for various offences when committed against an emergency worker. In force 13/11/18.

Care Act 2014 (edit) UK Public General Act 2014 23 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Section 75 amends MHA 1983 s117 by: (1) defining 'after-care services'; (2) referring to 'ordinarily resident' (rather than 'resident') and providing for disputes to be resolved by the Secretary of State; (3) permitting regulations to deal with top-up fees for preferred accommodation.

Care Act 2014 and Children and Families Act 2014 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2015 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2015 914 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Paragraph 29 of the Schedule amends s135(6).

Care and Support (Disputes between Local Authorities) Regulations 2014 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2014 2,829 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Care Bill 2013-14 (edit) Other 2013 Bill

Among other things, the Care Bill would amend MHA 1983 s117 by including a definition of 'after-care services'.

Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2021 161 2021-09-09 Miscellaneous legislation

These regulations insert new regulation 27A (Prohibition on placing a child under 16 in other arrangements) into the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010.

Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2010 959 2011-04-01 Miscellaneous legislation

"These Regulations make provision about care planning for looked after children (i.e. children who are looked after by a local authority (LA), whether or not they are in the care of the LA by virtue of a care order), and associated matters." (extract from Explanatory Note)

Care Quality Commission (Additional Functions) Regulations 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 410 2009-04-01 Miscellaneous legislation

These Regulations give the Care Quality Commission functions, previously exercised by the MHAC, in relation to reviewing decisions to withhold items brought to high secure hospitals, internal post in high secure hospitals and decisions to record or monitor telephone calls in high secure hospitals.

Care Quality Commission (Additional Functions) Regulations 2011 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2011 1,551 2011-04-01 Miscellaneous legislation

In force 1/8/11.

Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 3,112 2010-04-01 Miscellaneous legislation

Of particular relevance is regulation 17, "Notification of death or unauthorised absence of a service user who is detained or liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983". In force 1/4/10.

Care Standards Act 2000 (edit) UK Public General Act 2000 14 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 4 para 9 amends s12(3), s23(3), s24(3), s34, s46(1), s64(1), s116(1), s118(1), s119(2), s120(1) and (4), s121, s127(1), s131(1), s132(1), (2) and (4), s133(1), s135(6) and s145(1). Schedule 6 partially repeals s145(1).

Children Act 1989 (edit) UK Public General Act 1989 41 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Children Act 1989 (Consequential Amendment of Enactments) Order 1991 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2019 1,881 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Children Act 2004 (edit) UK Public General Act 2004 31 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 5 Part 4 partially repeals MHA 1983 s14.

Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (edit) UK Public General Act 2004 36 Miscellaneous legislation

This legislation is not directly relevant to mental health law, but is included here because it is referred to in some resources concerning the coronavirus pandemic.

Civil Legal Aid (Financial Resources and Payment for Services) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 480 2013-04-01 Legal Aid legislation

Financial eligibility for Legal Aid. In force 1/4/13.

Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 2,877 Legal Aid legislation [Show]
Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 422 2013-04-01 Legal Aid legislation [Show]
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (edit) UK Public General Act 2004 33 Legislation amending MHA 1983

"The purpose of the Civil Partnership Act is to enable same-sex couples to obtain legal recognition of their relationship by forming a civil partnership." Schedule 27 para 86, under s261, amends s12 and s25C MHA 1983.

Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 3) Rules 2006 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2006 3,435 Court procedure legislation

These Rules, among other things, revoke CCR Order 49 Rule 12 which related to nearest relative applications. See Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2005 for details and links.

Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2005 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2005 352 2005-04-04 Court procedure legislation [Show] [Show]
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 1998 3,132 Court procedure legislation

The Civil Procedure Rules are used by the civil courts in England and Wales.

Civil Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2011 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2011 586 2011-04-04 Miscellaneous legislation

This Order increases certain fees in the Court of Appeal, High Court and county courts. For convenience, the full schedule of fees (whether increased or unchanged) is set out in the Order. In force 4/4/11.

Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 1,887 2009-11-09 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Community Legal Service (Financial) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 1,894 2009-04-06 Legal Aid legislation

In force 6/8/09. These Regulations make it clear that in assessing whether a person is, or is any longer, financially eligible, the LSC must be satisfied that the person is not only in receipt of the benefits but also entitled to them.

Community Legal Service (Financial) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 502 2009-04-01 Legal Aid legislation

These Regulations increase the financial eligibility limits for civil legal aid and ensure the non-means-tested provision of legal representation in certain ‘deprivation of liberty’ cases (s21A appeals). In force 1/4/09 (DOL funding) and 6/4/09 (uprating).

Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No.2) Order 2011 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2011 2,066 Legal Aid legislation [Show] ==Related legislation== *[[Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill 2011]] — '"`UNIQ--item-4692--QINU`"' *[[Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No.2) Order 2011]]
Constitutional Reform Act 2005 (edit) UK Public General Act 2005 4 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 1 Part 2 amends s108 and s143 MHA 1983. Schedule 3 para 4 amends s93. Schedule 4 amends s93, s94, s96, s104, s105, s108, s111, Sched 2. Schedule 18 Part 2 amends s94(1), s96(3), s104(3), s105(2), s111 and Sched 2

Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 3,134 2014-06-13 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Consumer Credit Act 1974 (edit) UK Public General Act 1974 39 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Contempt of Court Act 1981 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 1981 49 Miscellaneous legislation

'An Act to amend the law relating to contempt of court and related matters.'

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (edit) Other 2006 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Coronavirus Act 2020 (edit) UK Public General Act 2020 7 2020-03-25 Legislation amending MHA 1983 Coronavirus legislation [Show] [Show]
Coronavirus Act 2020 (Commencement No 1) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (edit) Wales Statutory Instrument 2020 366 2020-03-27 Commencement orders Coronavirus legislation [Show] ==See also== *[[Coronavirus Act 2020]] *[[MHRT for Wales and coronavirus]]
Coronavirus Act 2020 (Expiry of Mental Health Provisions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2020 1,467 2020-12-09 Coronavirus legislation Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show] [Show]
Coroners (Investigations) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 1,629 Inquest legislation

Part 7 is entitled "Action to prevent other deaths": regulation 28 is entitled "Report on action to prevent other deaths" and regulation 29 is entitled "Response to a report on action to prevent other deaths".

Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (edit) UK Public General Act 2009 25 2010-02-01 Inquest legislation

Amends the law on suicide from 1/2/10: see Assisted suicide. Amends the law on partial defences to murder from 4/10/10: see Murder.

Coroners and Justice Bill 2009 (edit) Other 2009 Bill

See Legal Aid page. Clauses 128, 129 and 132 are relevant to civil legal aid.

Court of Protection (Amendment) Rules 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 582 2009-04-01 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection

These Rules amend the Court of Protection Rules 2007 by amending rules (rules 6 and 51), adding rules (rule 82A), and adding a Practice Direction (PD 10A) for the new deprivation of liberty jurisdiction. In force 1/4/09.

Court of Protection (Amendment) Rules 2011 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2011 2,753 2011-12-12 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection [Show] [Show]
Court of Protection (Amendment) Rules 2015 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2015 548 2015-04-06 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection

These rules amend the Court of Protection Rules 2007. In force 6/4/15 and 1/7/15.

Court of Protection Fees (Amendment) Order 2009 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2009 513 2009-04-01 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection [Show] [Show]
Court of Protection Fees Order 2007 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2007 1,745 2007-10-01 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection

In force 1/10/07.

==Amendments== [[Court of Protection Fees (Amendment) Order 2009]] — '"`UNIQ--item-4613--QINU`"'
Court of Protection Rules 2007 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2007 1,744 2007-10-01 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection

These rules for the Court of Protection, which came into force on 1/10/07, were superseded on 1/12/17 by the Court of Protection Rules 2017.

Court of Protection Rules 2017 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2017 1,035 2017-12-01 Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection

These rules revoke the Court of Protection Rules 2007 and come into force on 1/12/17.

Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (edit) UK Public General Act 1990 41 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 10 amends MHA 1983 s102. Schedule 16 amends MHA 1983 s116.

Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 (edit) UK Public General Act 1997 43 Legislation amending MHA 1983

"An Act to make further provision with respect to the treatment of offenders; and for connected purposes."

Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (edit) UK Public General Act 1998 37 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 8 para 54 amends MHA 1983 s37. Schedule 10 repeals s50(3A) - by repealing Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 Schedule 4 paragraph 12(4).

Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 1968 19 Miscellaneous legislation

Schedule 7 Criminal Appeal Act 1968 repeals Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964 s2, 3.

Criminal Justice Act 1991 (edit) UK Public General Act 1991 53 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show] ==Note== [[R (P) v SSHD (2003) EWHC 2953 (Admin)]] concerns ''section 34''.
Criminal Justice Act 2003 (edit) UK Public General Act 2003 44 Legislation amending MHA 1983 Miscellaneous legislation

This legislation, amongst other things, (1) made amendments to the MHA 1983, and (2) states that the victim surcharge does not apply when the court makes an order under the Mental Health Act 1983.

Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order 2024 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2024 844 2024-09-10 Miscellaneous legislation

This legislation sets out the Standard Determinate Sentences 40% Release scheme (SDS40) under which certain prisoners will be released on licence at the 40% point instead of the usual 50% point.

Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (edit) UK Public General Act 2015 2 2015-02-12 Miscellaneous legislation

Section 20 is entitled "Ill-treatment or wilful neglect: care worker offence".

Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act 2000 (edit) UK Public General Act 2000 43 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (edit) UK Public General Act 2008 4 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show] ==See also== [[Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (Commencement No. 5) Order 2008]]
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (Commencement No. 5) Order 2008 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2008 3,260 Commencement orders

Commencement order for Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.

Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (edit) UK Public General Act 1994 33 Legislation amending MHA 1983 [Show]
Criminal Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2013 9 Miscellaneous legislation

Legislation about criminal legal aid. In force 1/4/13.

Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act 1991 (edit) UK Public General Act 1991 25 Other useful legislation

This Act substitutes s4, amends s8 and repeals sch 1 of the Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964 . (Various other changes to the 1964 Act were subsequently themselves amended by Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004, but both "old" and "new" versions of the CPIA 1964 are reproduced here.)

Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964 (edit) UK Public General Act 1964 84 Other useful legislation

The CPIA 1964 was amended on 31/3/05 Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004. Both the old and the updated text is available here.

Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (edit) UK Public General Act 1995 46 Miscellaneous legislation Scottish legislation

Preamble: "An Act to consolidate certain enactments relating to criminal procedure in Scotland."

Criminal Procedure Rules 2020 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2020 759 2020-10-05 Miscellaneous legislation

Rules about criminal court procedure.

Data Protection Act 1998 (edit) UK Public General Act 1998 29 Other useful legislation

This Act was repealed by sch 19 para 44 Data Protection Act 2018, with the exception of section 62 and paragraphs 13, 15, 16, 18 and 19 of Schedule 15 (which amend other enactments).

Data Protection Act 2018 (edit) UK Public General Act 2018 12 Miscellaneous legislation

Data protection legislation.

Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space Moratorium and Mental Health Crisis Moratorium) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2020 1,311 2021-05-04 Other useful legislation

Debt respite scheme.

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (edit) UK Public General Act 1995 50 Miscellaneous legislation

Discrimination. Disability discrimination case judgments can be searched for on the Employment Appeal Tribunal's website (link below).

Discipline of Judges (Designation) Order 2008 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2008 2,700 Tribunal legislation

This order makes certain people subject to the disciplinary provisions of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005.

Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004 (edit) UK Public General Act 2004 28 Legislation amending MHA 1983 Other useful legislation

This Act amends the MHA 1983, CPIA 1964 etc.

Electoral Administration Act 2006 (edit) UK Public General Act 2006 22 Miscellaneous legislation

Section 73 states: "Any rule of the common law which provides that a person is subject to a legal incapacity to vote by reason of his mental state is abolished."

==See also== [[Voting rights for detained patients]]
Equality Act 2010 (edit) UK Public General Act 2010 15 Miscellaneous legislation [Show] [Show]
European Convention on Human Rights (edit) Other 1950 Other useful legislation

See The ECHR and mental health law.

Extradition Act 2003 (edit) UK Public General Act 2003 41 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Family Law Act 1996 (edit) UK Public General Act 1996 27 Legislation amending MHA 1983

From 25/11/08, s1 Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 inserts s64L, which applies MHA 1983 s35, into the Family Law Act 1996.

Family Procedure (Modification of Enactments) Order 2011/1045 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2011 1,045 Miscellaneous legislation

This Order amends the Court of Protection Rules 2007 by amending the text of rule 39 (Application of Family Procedure (Adoption) Rules 2005). In force 6/4/11.

Family Procedure Rules 2010 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2010 2,955 Miscellaneous legislation

Court rules for family proceedings.

Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (edit) UK Public General Act 1976 30 Miscellaneous legislation

Introductory text: "An Act to consolidate the Fatal Accidents Acts."

First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Chambers) Order 2008 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2008 2,684 Tribunal legislation

This order, which came into force on 3/11/08, made under the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 organises and sets out the functions of the various new Tribunal chambers. Revoked by the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Chambers) Order 2010.

First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Chambers) Order 2010 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2010 2,655 Tribunal legislation

This repealed the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Chambers) Order 2008 and was subsequently itself amended.

First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Composition of Tribunal) Order 2008 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2008 2,835 Tribunal legislation

This order, which came into force on 3/11/08, makes provision as to the number and type of members on a Tribunal panel, and provides for majority or unanimous decisions.

Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 (edit) UK Public General Act 2007 20 Legislation amending MHA 1983

From 25/11/08, s1 of this Act inserts s64L, which applies MHA 1983 s35, into the Family Law Act 1996.

Forfeiture Act 1982 (edit) UK Public General Act 1982 34 1982-07-13 Miscellaneous legislation [Show]
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (edit) UK Public General Act 2000 36 Miscellaneous legislation

Preamble: "An Act to make provision for the disclosure of information held by public authorities or by persons providing services for them and to amend the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Public Records Act 1958; and for connected purposes."

Government of Wales Act 1998 (edit) UK Public General Act 1998 38 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 12 amends s134 and s141 MHA 1983.

Government of Wales Act 2006 (edit) UK Public General Act 2006 32 Legislation amending MHA 1983

This Act amends MHA 1983 s141 wef 25/07/2006

Government of Wales Act 2006 (Consequential Modifications and Transitional Provisions) Order 2007 (edit) UK Statutory Instrument 2007 1,388 Legislation amending MHA 1983

Schedule 1 para 18 amends MHA 1983 s134 wef 1/5/07
