Senior President of Tribunals, 'Annual Report 2021' (22/9/21)

2022-09-22 SPT Annual Report 2021.pdf

Tribunals report This report contains a short introduction from Keith Lindblom, and the following annexes: (A) Upper Tribunal; (B) First-tier Tribunal; (C) Employment; (D) Cross-border issues; (E) Important cases. press release

Senior President of Tribunals’ Annual Report 2021 is published

22 September 2021

The Senior President of Tribunals, the Rt Hon Sir Keith Lindblom, has today published his 2021 Annual Report.

This is his first such report, having taken over the role as Senior President from Sir Ernest Ryder last September.

In his foreword to the report, Sir Keith said: “Though I knew the role of Senior President would bring with it some welcome challenges, I had not imagined that I would be taking up office during a global pandemic.

“Dealing with successive lockdowns and the restrictions affecting the justice system in this country has been the most pressing priority for my first year, and this will remain so as we all work to bring about the recovery of both courts and tribunals from the effects of the pandemic.

“But of course it is not the only priority. I have identified three strategic objectives on which I am going to concentrate as Senior President – the promotion of ‘One Judiciary’, the imperatives of equality, diversity and inclusion in the tribunals, and the efficient performance of the tribunals system in maintaining access to justice and the rule of law.”


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Type: Report🔍

Title: Senior President of Tribunals' Annual Report 2021

Author: Lindblom, Keith🔍

Organisation: Senior President of Tribunals🔍

Date: 22/9/21🔍

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