Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust v TW [2021] EWCOP 13

Death following stroke (1) TW suffered catastrophic brain injury, arising from a stroke, which meant he lacked the capacity to decide whether to continue to receive life-sustaining treatment. (2) The continuation of ventilatory support and likely invasive treatment could no longer be reconciled with his best interests. (3) His three daughters wished to travel from Canada to be with him at the very end of his life and be present, if possible, when he died, a journey which owing to coronavirus restrictions would take over three weeks to arrange. The medical evidence was that the likely treatment "comes perilously close to, if not crossing, an ethical boundary" and the judge decided that any plan artificially to sustain his situation during this period would not be in his best interests.

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Full judgment: BAILII


Date: 12/2/21๐Ÿ”

Court: Court of Protection๐Ÿ”



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Published: 17/2/21 23:21

Cached: 2025-03-13 22:09:38