
Safeguarding adults: a consultation on the review of the ‘No Secrets’ guidance

"The Department of Health, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice have launched the national consultation on the review of the No Secrets guidance. Minister for Care Services; Phil Hope MP said: 'This consultation paper is about learning. It is about how we as a society learn to empower people - both the public and the professionals - to identify risk and manage risk. It is about how we empower people to say no to abusive situations and criminal behaviour. It is about locating safeguarding in the wider agenda of choice and control. It is about recognising safeguarding as everyone's business. It is about identifying the tools we need for better safeguarding.'

"The consultation is for everyone - it has questions for social workers, and housing officers, for police officers and for lawyers. It has questions for members of the public and for service users."

Summary of responses published 17/7/09. Government response to follow

See Care Act 2014 for consultation response.


Type: Consultation🔍


Organisation: Department of Health🔍

Date: 16/10/08🔍

Date closed: 31/1/09🔍

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