MHA 1983 s64J
(Redirected from S64J)
Mental Health Act 1983
(as amended)
Law as at 19/11/11 unless otherwise stated under "Amendments" heading
Change made by Mental Health Act 2007
Related cases
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See also
[The chapter/paragraph numbers which appear below (if any) refer to the 2008 versions of the Code of Practice and Reference Guide.]
- Reference Guide to the Mental Health Act 1983, 17. Medical treatment of Supervised Community Treatment patients (Part 4A) [Note that the chapter number relates to the old Reference Guide] — chapter 17
- Mental Health Act 1983 Code Of Practice for England, 23. Medical treatment under the Act
Factors to be considered in determining whether patient objects to treatment
[[64J.—(1) In assessing for the purposes of this Part whether he has reason to believe that a patient objects to treatment, a person shall consider all the circumstances so far as they are reasonably ascertainable, including the patient's behaviour, wishes, feelings, views, beliefs and values.
(2) But circumstances from the past shall be considered only so far as it is still appropriate to consider them.][1]