MHA 1983 s59
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Mental Health Act 1983
(as amended)
Law as at 19/11/11 unless otherwise stated under "Amendments" heading
For details, see Compulsory treatment.
Change made by Mental Health Act 2007
Related cases
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See also
[The chapter/paragraph numbers which appear below (if any) refer to the 2008 versions of the Code of Practice and Reference Guide.]
- Reference Guide to the Mental Health Act 1983, 16. Medical treatment for patients in hospital, etc (Part 4) [Note that the chapter number relates to the old Reference Guide] — paragraph 16.21 (also 16.34 and 16.51)
- Mental Health Act 1983 Code Of Practice for England, 23. Medical treatment under the Act
Plans of treatment
59. Any consent or certificate under section 57[, 58 or 58A][1] above may relate to a plan of treatment under which the patient is to be given (whether within a specified period or otherwise) one or more of the forms of treatment to which that section applies.