
Review of NHS complaints system

Dept of Health, 'Review of NHS complaints system' (press release, 15/3/13). The review will be encouraged to make recommendations about: (a) any aspect of the NHS complaints arrangements and other means by which patients make concerns known; (b) the way that organisations receive and act on concerns and complaints; (c) how Boards and managers carry out their functions; (d) the process by which individual organisations are held to account for the way that they handle concerns and complaints. Contact details are provided for anyone wishing to submit evidence. Review begins 15/3/13 and is due to report by 30/7/13.

Rosa Silverman, 'NHS complaints system review launched' (Telegraph, 15/3/13)


Type: Consultation🔍


Organisation: Department of Health🔍

Date: 15/3/13🔍

Date closed: 30/7/13🔍

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