Emily Dugan, 'Pregnant woman with 'very severe' mental health problems could be forced to have Caesarean' (Independent, 11/12/13)

(Redirected from Re P (Caesarian) (2013) MHLO 127 (COP))

Caesarian Peter Jackson J decided that, in the event of a Caesarian scar rupturing during labour, it was in P's best interests that doctors could intervene and perform a Caesarean section.


This was originally on MHLO as the case "Re P (Caesarian) [2013] MHLO 127 (COP)" but as I never found the transcript the press article was moved to the resources database.


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Type: News article🔍

Title: Pregnant woman with 'very severe' mental health problems could be forced to have Caesarean

Author: Dugan, Emily🔍

Organisation: Independent🔍

Date: 11/12/13🔍

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