Public Guardian (Fees, etc) Regulations 2007

In force 1/10/07.


Public Guardian (Fees, etc) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 — These Regulations, in amending the Public Guardian (Fees, etc) Regulations 2007, amend the fees to be charged for the services provided by the Public Guardian: the LPA fee is reduced from £150 to £120; a new fee for EPA and LPA office copies is introduced; the Deputy Assessment fee is reduced to £100; the Deputy Supervision fees remain, with an additional level of supervision Type IIA attracting a £350pa fee.


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Type: UK Statutory Instrument🔍

Year: 2007🔍

Number: 2051

Subject: Mental Capacity Act 2005 secondary legislation - Public Guardian and Court of Protection🔍

In force: 1/10/07

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