Proposals on changes to the Office of the Public Guardian fees
'A consultation on the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) fees 2011/2012 which aims to ensure that the OPG fee policy remains fair, equitable and proportionate to the services being provided whilst at the same time reflecting the current economic climate. The proposed changes will help ensure that the fee structure remains fair and equitable whilst fully covering OPG costs. We are now seeking your views.' (MOJ website).
The proposals are listed on the OPG website as:
- Raising the LPA Application to Register fee from £120 to £130;
- Implementing a new 'Resubmission Fee' of £65 each time an LPA is resubmitted to the OPG within 3 months of it being returned to the Applicant as invalid;
- Discontinuing the production of LPA office copies by the OPG, except in extreme and limited circumstances, and for a £50 fee;
- Removing the Application to Search the Registers fee;
- Replacing Type 1, 2A and 2 supervision fees with a flat fee of £320 and introducing an administration fee of £35 for those in type 3 requiring the de minimis level of supervision;
- Raising the maximum threshold of capital for those cases qualifying for Type 3 supervision from £16,000 to £21,000 over a period of 4 years;
- Introducing a new Fee Remissions policy of 50% for those who have a gross income of up to £12,000;
- Allowing the Public Guardian to vary the levels of fees payable in the future, examples of which could be:
- Implementing a new discounted fee for any LPA applications that are submitted together;
- Removing or discounting the LPA registration fee for Armed Service Personnel
- Renaming a number of OPG fees in order to make it clearer what they cover.
Public Guardian (Fees, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2011
See also: MCA Update emails
Type: Consultation🔍
Organisation: Ministry of Justice🔍
Date: 28/2/11🔍
Date closed: 21/5/11🔍
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