Mental Health Act 2007 (Commencement No. 9) Order 2008
This brings the remainder of MHA 2007 s39 & sch 5 (cross border arrangements), and s55 & sch 11 pt 7 (cross border arrangements), into force on 28/10/08. The affected MHA 1983 sections are s88 and s146.
Explanatory note
This Order is the ninth commencement order made under the Mental Health Act 2007(c.12) and brings into force the provisions set out in article 2 on 28th October 2008. These provisions amend section 88 of the Mental Health Act 1983(c.20), so that that section only applies to the return from Northern Ireland of patients absent from hospitals in England and Wales, and make related repeals and revocations. Provisions about the return of patients from Scotland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are now to be found in the legislation of the jurisdiction in question.Full text:
Type: UK Statutory Instrument🔍
Year: 2008🔍
Number: 2788
Subject: Mental Health Act 2007 commencement orders🔍
In force: 28/10/08
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