Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010
(Redirected from Mental Health (Wales) Measure)
Preamble: 'A Measure of the National Assembly for Wales to make provision about primary mental health support services; the coordination of and planning for secondary mental health services; assessments of the needs of former users of secondary mental health services; independent advocacy for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 and other persons who are receiving in-patient hospital treatment for mental health; and for connected purposes. This Measure, passed by the National Assembly for Wales on 2 November 2010 and approved by Her Majesty in Council on 15 December 2010, enacts the following provisions...'
See also
Thanks to Claire Fife (Mental Health Legislation Manager, Welsh Assembly Government) for the update emails.
External links
- Welsh Government, 'The Duty to Review: Inception Report: Post-Legislative Assessment of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010' (8/4/13). This report describes the proposed review of the Measure; an interim evaluation report will be published by 31/3/14 and a final report before January 2016. Suggestions are sought for additional or complimentary evidence to inform these reports.
Full text:
Type: Measure of the National Assembly for Wales🔍
Year: 2010🔍
Number: 7
Subject: Miscellaneous legislation🔍 · Welsh legislation🔍
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