
Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003

The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 is the Scottish equivalent of the Mental Health 1983.

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Experiences of the Early Implementation of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: A Cohort Study - published May 2009.

Jargon-laden conclusion: "In conclusion, this research has examined the implementation of the MHCT Act over one year, from 2007-2008, from the different experiences and perspectives of service users, informal carers and professionals. This has been achieved in partnership with service users. The study shows that the new legislation, with its underpinning values, has set a positive framework for improving the care and treatment of those who are compulsorily treated. Moreover, the study found indications of paradigm shifts in process and practice. However, the experience of key stakeholders indicates that improvements in mental health service provision are urgently needed, as envisaged in Delivering for Mental Health (Scottish Executive, 2006). Also, the approach of individual professionals needs to change more consistently if the goal is to achieve a more holistic, and recovery orientated approach. Although this research focused only on those with experience of compulsion, the findings have implications for the wider system of mental health services."

"The New Mental Health Act - A Short Introduction" from Scottish Government website - published 26/1/04


The Act on OPSI website

Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 on Statute Law Database

Search results for "Mental Health Scotland" on Statute Law Database (related legislation)