MHAC, 'Thirteenth biennial report 2007-09: Coercion and consent' (2009)
MHA report MHAC's 13th biennial report.
Original filename: 13th 2007-9 MHAC_Biennial_Report_0709_final.pdf
External links
- CQC, 'New mental health report' (News story, 19/7/09)
- CQC, 'Regulator emphasises need for improvement in care provided to people detained under the Mental Health Act' (press release, 19/7/09)
- CQC, 'Briefing: The Mental Health Act Commission’s biennial report 2007-2009: Key lessons and the Care Quality Commission’s response' (20/7/09)
- CQC, 'Listen to our comments and response to The Mental Health Act Commission’s biennial report 2007-2009' (podcast, July 2009)
Download: [1]
Type: Report🔍
Title: Thirteenth biennial report 2007-09: Coercion and consent
Organisation: Mental Health Act Commission🔍
Date: 19/7/09🔍
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