Legal Aid Agency, 'Standard civil contract 2024' (13/9/23)

Contract documentation The 2024 civil contract consists of: Standard terms; Specification (General Provisions & Category Specific Rules); Schedule; Contract for Signature; Category Definitions 2024. This guidance page contains links to the following draft documents (among others): standard terms; specification (general provisions 1-6); category specific rules mental health (section 9); category specific rules community care (section 11); schedule; contract for signature; category definitions; supervisor self-declaration forms (mental health routes 1 and 2, community care, etc); guidance on completing supervisor declaration forms; provider data security guidance and requirements documents; indemnity proformas (separate forms for limited company, LLP, partnership).


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Type: Legal Aid resource🔍

Title: Standard civil contract 2024

Organisation: Legal Aid Agency🔍

Date: 13/9/23🔍

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