Legal Aid Agency, '2018 Standard Civil Contract: Standard Terms' (1/1/21)

2021-01-01 2018 Standard Civil Contract Standard Terms.pdf

Civil contract standard terms Clauses: (1) Interpretation; (2) Relationship and communication; (3) Working with third parties; (4) Financial disclosure and risk; (5) Equality and diversity; (6) Logos and marketing; (7) Your obligations, looking after Clients, compliance and self-monitoring; (8) Keeping records and completing and returning forms; (9) Provision of information and access to your premises; (10) Standard of Contract Work; (11) KPIs; (12) Contract Documents and precedence; (13) Amendments to the Contract Documents; (14) Your account with us, Claims, payments and Assessments; (15) Confidentiality; (16) Data protection; (17) FOIA; (18) Warranties; (19) Indemnity; (20) Giving notices; (21) Things you must tell us about; (22) Novations and Qualifying Events; (23) Bribery, collusion, false tenders, fraud and unethical behaviour; (24) Sanctions; (25) How this Contract can be ended; (26) Consequences of termination; (27) Reconsidering decisions and the review procedure; (28) Dispute resolution; (29) Governing law and jurisdiction; (30) General


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Type: Legal Aid resource🔍

Title: 2018 Standard Civil Contract: Standard Terms

Organisation: Legal Aid Agency🔍

Date: 1/1/21🔍

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